Article 1:
Green, Erica. “Justice Dept. Will Address ‘Disturbing Spike’ in Threats Against School Personnel.” The New York Times. Oct. 5, 2021.
SUMMARY: This NY times article is important to me because it is about teachers requesting federal help in order to be at their own jobs. Teachers are being intimidated over things like teaching about racism in our country, as well as mask mandates to keep everyone in the buildings safe from Covid-19. Some politicians and parents are very disapproving of the students being taught that racism is deeply embedded in large institutions and pushed in their policies. Although learning about racism is essential in fighting to lessen it and make everyday life more fair and equal to affected groups, many want lessons on it to be restricted. Many places of education are also facing conflict over Covid-19 related mandates, such as vaccines, and mask.
ANALYSIS: This article was written by Erica Green. The intended audience is the general public, The tone of this article is very heavy and serious. This source matters and is important because the author is telling the readers about what is happening in the schools the children in our country are in the care of 5 days a week. It is very trustworthy as it uses credible sources and the New York Times itself is a well known credible source.
RESPONSE: This article was very eye opening to me as it is about how schools are reacting and handling new mandates and rules coming out of the quarantine, as not only are they affected by covid mandates, but also the current political climate of our country considering events that took place during quarantine. Politicians and parents have made it very clear that they do not agree with their children being subjected to new rules, like wearing mask. It seems that for the staff of these schools its become almost completely unsafe to attend work without getting threatened by these angry parents. I do not agree with the opinions of these politicians and parents, but I disagree more with how they are trying to use these opinions as fact and threatening the place many trust their children to be safe in.
Article 2:
Krugman, Paul. “Of Vaccine Mandates and Facing Reality.” The New York Times. September. 30, 2021 Of Vaccine Mandates and Facing Reality-
SUMMARY: This article shares information about how people in the workforce feel about vaccine mandates. Some are going as far as quitting their jobs, or retiring as a whole because they refuse to be vaccinated. As an alternative to avoid this some places used weekly testing. While some were satisfied with the weekly testing alternative, some believe it only reinforced peoples want for not getting the vaccination. Those people believe the alternative has only caused it to backfire. Its been found that most people who refuse to get the vaccine actually do not believe in outlandish theories or that there is any drastic life threatening side effects, they do not want it purely out of wanting to secure their right to choose if they get the vaccine or not.
ANALYSIS: This article was written by Paul Krugman, an opinion columnist. His targeted this towards the audience of the general public, It did reach his intended audience. The tone feels very informative. This source is very important because it extends our knowledge of the current situation of the world and our countries government and how it effects the people. The New York Times is a very well known and unbiased source and thats why it is so trustworthy, The writers for the New York Times stick to facts to accurately educate its readers.
RESPONSE: This article was very informative to me, I feel as though I learned about current covid-19 mandates that aren’t widely covered on the news thats on our television. This article in particular offers a new point of view on why some are so outraged over these requirements are mandates. It opened my eyes to a view point I hadn’t exactly considered before. I may not agree with some of the opinions the author explains in this article but I can understand why some people may feel the way they do now thanks to how the author explained it in the article.
Article 3:
Gershman, Jacob. “Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates Are Surviving Nearly All Court Challenges” The Wall Street Journal. October. 22, 2021
SUMMARY: In this article we receive information about how vaccine mandates are being challenged in court, and surviving. In many states the vaccine mandates were being challenged in courts. Many want vaccines to not be mandated as many believe it is their personal choice to get it and should not be at risk of losing their jobs. The Biden administration consider these all emergency regulations necessary in stopping the spread of Covid-19. States such as Pennsylvania are rejecting lawsuits going against vaccination mandates. Its believed they are doing this to avoid being blamed for the spread of the Covid-19 disease. The author also explains how the mandates become controversial surrounding many groups personal beliefs, such as those with religious objections, or prior health concerns. Despite all of this the lawsuits going against Vaccine mandates are failing in many courts.
ANALYSIS: Jacob Gershman wrote this article for the Wall Street Journal. The audience he intended this article for seems to be both general public and lawmakers. It has an informative tone and succeeds in sharing many extended viewpoints on the topic. It’s an important and trustworthy source because it is sharing the current political climate of our country. The Wall Street Journal is a very well known source that is very known for articles relating to topics surrounding politics, markets, the economy, and business. The topic of Covid-19 mandates relates to many of those topics so this source can be trusted to speak on it.
RESPONSE: I learned more about how lawmakers are handling vaccine mandates from this article. This article did a good job of providing reasoning for the views of some groups and also sharing how different states have handled lawsuits and groups that oppose the mandates. I learned a lot from it as I mostly only hear about how my own state is currently handling lawmaking surrounding the mandates and vaccines. I did not know before how certain laws may oppose the mandates and why the mandates may have more power over such laws. I feel like it’s very important to stay informed on the political climate of our country because it is constantly changing and affecting many different groups everyday.
Media Source:
Mackie, Adam. “We Must Move Forward Together: Keeping Hope Alive in the Land of the Midnight Sun” National Council of Teachers of English. June. 30 2020,
SUMMARY: This article displays a poem written by an English teacher named Adam Mackie. It is titled Pandemic of Peace. It asks the question of what the world would be like if mandates were for people to be kind to each other, and if positivity spread as fast as the disease Covid-19 did. It describes that if peace was the pandemic the world would be a very different and much nicer place. It describes a strict order to love your neighbor as you would yourself, connecting to many of the strict orders the world was subjected to during the quarantine period and the mandates that we must follow now after quarantine.
ANALYSIS: This poem was written by Adam Mackie, it shows an alternative way of thinking of the world during and after quarantine and the pandemic. His audience was intended to be his students but became both students and readers of the National Council of Teachers of English. This website is a very trustworthy source because it is an official website for an organization of english teachers all around America thus making it the National Council of Teachers of English. This poem itself was written by an english teacher trying to share different ways of thinking with students during a very difficult time in the world.
RESPONSE: I found this poem to be very touching and eye opening. As quarantine began and as we exit it and enter a state of new rules labeled mandates one thing stays the same: constant controversy. With the many controversies our country in particular has been surrounded by it has brung about so much disagreement and hatred among people. We find it more common to see people have opposing agreements and fighting about it than to see eye to eye. It’s become a very harsh political climate where everyone is effected. These disagreements are sometimes far from small and has been cause of people being violent towards each other, threatening each other, groups feeling unheard, and at times just a very negative environment for anybody. It was heartwarming to see that there are still people that try to spread a positive energy and way of thinking, especially to those who are currently vulnerable to the opinions of older people telling them that they should think that certain way too, like the young students this was written for.
To me this poem challenged our societies current way of thinking and all of the negativity that comes with it. I feel as though the author wrote this in the form of a question so that when people read it, it really can be themselves asking that question and envisioning a different, more positive world. The poem itself connects to both the time period of us quarantining all the way up until now with many different mandates surrounding Covid-19 and its vaccine. This poem was created in June of 2020, when quarantining was still very important but the political and social climate were still very negatively effected because of protest, and uncertainty because of Covid-19. There was no being sure when quarantine would be over but now that we are here over a year later this poem is still very relevant to todays society.
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