I grew up in a restructured family, my parents both have ordinary education and are engaged in ordinary jobs. I also have a half brother. Even though he is 10 years older than me, our relationship is still very close. People always say that parents are the best teachers, but I don’t think so. They never discipline me harshly. My father has always been busy with his job, and my mother only graduated in junior high school. They can’t teach me a lot, but I am very thankful for them. Because when the other parents try to give as much knowledge and truth as they can to their children, my parents chose to trust me and Let me decide my own path for myself. This kind of education sounds risky, but it works very well for me. They make me more independent and smarter than other kids. And my brother is another very important guide for me. Because of his age, He does not have the stubbornness of our parents’ generation, and he is more mature and stable than my peers. He gave me the most important advantage. He came to the United States 5 years earlier than me. He lived, went to school, and worked alone here without family company and financial support. His various experiences are often not defeated when I encounter difficulties.


    My temperament is generous and optimistic. Some small things that seem to be taken for granted to others will make me feel very happy, and I often help others and try to spread these little happiness to those around me. So I think about everything. When I encounter something unsatisfactory, I laugh it off, face it hard and find a way to solve it. Life is a process of repeating the experience of “high and low undulating waves.” So I can deeply understand this. When encountering setbacks, I will grit my teeth, break through difficulties, and move forward courageously. It hurts my body to get angry, and the hot magnetic field also hurts people around me, so I don’t often lose my temper. So it is easy for me to mingle with others and have a good interpersonal relationship.


    Before I was in the 11th grade, I lived a boring life, only going to school and playing computer games every day. But as my friends and I grew up slowly, my heart gradually yearned for a life outside of home and school. We will try different things, there will be joy and difficulty in the process. I still remember the first time I traveled abroad. I went to Miami with my friends. On the first night after we got off the plane, we talked about our itinerary in the hotel expectantly, so that we didn’t fall asleep very late. But the next day we didn’t feel tired at all, and set off full of vitality. We spent a wonderful day in Key West and watched the most beautiful sunset on the beach. But after that we lost the car keys and we immediately realized that it would be a difficult night for us. Even if we come up with countermeasures immediately, we are always more prone to accidents for those who are inexperienced. We only have 3 mobile phones that are about to die. We try to fall asleep on the ground or on a bench, but the cold and noisy wind keeps preventing us from falling asleep. This is a dilemma we have never been in. When we eat the food that we only have money for, the shriveled bread makes us smile happier than playing.


    I don’t like who I used to be, but for me life is a process of constant improvement, and there is no regret. Whether it is a boring or wonderful part of my life, or a wrong or correct decision, I will be grateful to them. Because there is good and bad is a wonderful journey.