English Composition II

Category: Weekly Assignments (Page 8 of 66)

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Week 12 HW

My audience are activists. I believe the topic of climate change best reaches this audience because activists are highly interested in change. This process has gone without complications for me so far. The easiest part of the process has been connecting my audience to my topic because activists already care about important topics like climate change. I hope my audience learns of ways they can help with climate change through their everyday actions. 


I decided to do this project in the genre of TED Talk because TED Talks are a way of informing people and educating them in an accessible way. In my case, my audience consists of women mainly, therefore, informative videos are very likely to get their attention. I understand that everyone’s case may be different. In the example of Nicki Minaj, she always felt pressured and intimidated by the male rappers at the beginning of her career. However, she stood strong and gave her all to express her talent which led to opening windows for other women in rap. Of course, not every woman’s career is in the music industry so their situation will be different. After watching different kinds of TED Talks, I end up with so much wisdom and knowledge, so I’m hoping this one will also be inspirational and teach everyone about ambitiousness and women empowerment. Looking back I believe my main point about Nicki Minaj being a perfect example of an ambitious and talented woman.


HW Day One

My audience is women, young adults, people who love Rap/HipHop artists, and Nicki Minaj fans. The main point of my research is to inform young girls, young adults, and women that they don’t need to shield their talent or drive from the world. In a world with male dominance, we women should not have the fear to do whatever it is we like. My inspiration to be ambitious comes from rapper Nicki Minaj. The genre for my Unit 3 project will be a TED Talk. I believe this is the best genre to work with because women’s empowerment is all about listening, supporting, and learning about self-worth. For this project, I will learn more about the basics of TED talks such as the structure, time, and the points I will cover. 

HW Day Two:  

For Spring Break, I would like to spend time finishing up assignments and projects I have left for all my classes. On the other hand, because this has been the most stressful semester I’ve encountered, this Spring break I’d like to relax and stay in. 

As for the Unit 3 project, I will research information about TED Talks, more information, and sources from interviews and radio station talk from Nicki Minaj that showed when she stood up for women. 

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