English Composition II

Category: Weekly Assignments (Page 6 of 66)

Please post classwork and journal entries here.

Week 13

Unit 1 revision

After re-reading my unit one Portrait of a Word there are certain things that I felt like I did very well on. For example, making the reader picture themselves in scenes where I’m using the word. I could pull out and add certain things that can help improve the reader’s experience. For instance, not boredom with many words where is for, I can actually break down the meaning of a sentence in a shorter way.  Another thing that I could help improve with the reader experience is possibly talk more about where the word has originated from or even how it was it invented.  In other words, background about the word.

Week 12

In unit 3 I have decided to make a short film about different problems that not only females face but males as well as professional athlete. The purpose of making this piece is to give people an understand that being a professional athlete isn’t just all fun and games, as we have all imagine but there is so much that is being done behind the scenes. But whatever is in the way you should keep pushing forward. In fact, the audience who are being targeted are children/teenagers who want to be a profession athlete themselves. I feel like the genre of creating a short film is a best way to reach the audience because it also a great way to sum up the point or message you want to put out. But not only that people now and days prefer visual content rather than anything else.

Week 13 HW Day one

Unit One

How Would I Go About Revising?


So I re-read my unit one “Portrait Of A Word” a few times now. Personally after reading your response to it I agree that it was an amazing piece. Even when writing it I felt so motivated to finish it because it’s not only about the word but about my late grandmother. In my opinion I wouldn’t change the way I wrote it, I described things so well, I told the story the way I wanted it to be told. Maybe having more stories about her could’ve been better. I think that I covered each part of the assignment, the word, the stories, descriptions, and even where the word derived from. If I had to change one thing about the assignment, although it’s hard I’d maybe find some more info on the background of the word I chose and go more in depth but I still think I did a good job.

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