English Composition II

Author: Kobe (Page 8 of 8)

Day One

After reading the article and watching the video I was able to acknowledge how many people stand up to their name in which they identify themselves with. My name is Kobe, I’m Hispanic, in fact I’m Mexican and I’m actually bilingual. My first language is English, and my second language is Spanish. Being bilingual makes me who I am today because it’s part of my culture and it helped evolved as a person. There are many things that are helpful throughout the world and would help make you who you are today for example, I play sports, and, in some way, it helped make me who I am today because it helped improve the way I look at things, improved the mentality, and determination.

Day two

In the article Mike Bunn writes “you are already an author”. What Mike means by that is that through out our life we write, read, and even talk and in which case could make us an author because your being able to expression yourself the way some author do. For example, a couple things that would have to do with me writing  would be sending text messages, sending emails out . Majority of the time the words you use are a expression of what you trying to say do to the fact that you can be texting your friend and you can be making jokes which your give an expressing of joy or even when you send an email out to a teacher asking question and it can give an expression to show that your lost or confused. This existing expertise would help me in my college reading and writing career by trying to find a way to relate and have an open mind when trying to create ideas or even having to relate to what we reading.

Indeed one thing that I noticed in Bunn’s article that I would like to try to in my own writing is make the readers wonder. In other words make them jot down questions in the beginning before reading my writing. For example, lets suppose a title of one of my writings is called “ball” it would just make the readers question why ball.  So as they reading there question could be answered which then can lead to their attention.

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