After reading “The Brief Wonderous Life Of Oscar Wao” there are some things in the reading that I found confusing. The reading was all about the word “fuku”.  The word “fuku”  to my knowledge means the curse and doom of the new world. I am still confused about where the word originated from, they say it was first heard in Africa but I’m not sure how accurate this is. something else that confused me was on page two. As I said before I thought “Fuku” meant the curse of the new world, but as I was reading on the passage stated ” but fuku ain’t just ancient history, a ghost story from the past with no power to scare. In my parents day the fuku was real as shit, something your everyday person could believe in. Everybody knew someone who’d been eaten by a fuku, just like everybody knew somebody who worked up in the Palacio.” so at this point in my reading I’m thinking that fuku is a monster that is going around eating and killing people. As I was reading on I found some new information. The reading stated “but in those elder days, fuku had it good; it even had a hype man of sorts, a high priest, you could say. Our then dictator-for-life Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina.” Based on this information I’m thinking that fuku is a person now. My knowledge of fuku has changed three times based on two paragraphs. As I’m progressing through the reading  i found out if you thought a bad thing about Trujillo a hurricane would sweep your family out to sea, a boulder would fall out out of a clear sky and squash you, the shrimp you ate today was the cramp that killed you tomorrow. so my final thoughts on this passage after reading on is that fuku is something that messes up your day, you either believe in it or not. its basically a superstition.