English Composition II

Author: Ivan (Page 8 of 8)


What Mike Bunn means when he says, “you are already an author” for me, he refers to the fact that I am the one who has control over everything regarding the writing that I do. Regardless of what it is about, whether it is an essay, a small story, or a news article, I have control and power to make the decisions that I want and direct the reader where I want and aim for the public that I want. One of the things that I write or do very often is summarize articles and put my main ideas on a piece of paper, and from there, I get inspired with the rest of the writing. I write small written works, emails, texts, small articles, and above all stories, that is the easiest thing for me to do since I am only narrating something that has happened to me, and it is easy for me to put it into words. Mostly I try to make my essay somewhat formal because it is something I want to learn, but it is something that is very difficult for me since English is my second language, so everything is more complex, but I try to write enough to learn. I think this expertise helps me sufficiently regarding what kind of things I want to write and on what occasion and with what vocabulary, both formal and informal, as well as with reading, to have a wide range of comprehension to understand a wide variety of concepts or genres.

Something that I noticed about Bunn and I would like to do in my writing would be to have that analytical part and ask myself many questions throughout what I am reading, as well as make summaries while I read because that would help me a lot to provide ideas for what I am going to write later, both the information it provide me as well as taking notes on how the text or article is structured; and what techniques the author uses to catch the reader. I also read various types of reading from different genres in order to boost my writing, questioning what I am reading and thinking about how I can do it better.

I am attaching some photos of sentences that caught my attention from the reading.


Day One Homework

Many people could identify themselves with or relate to the article and video since it is a very common situation for immigrants. My name is Ivan, and in my case, my name does not influence so much, but my language and culture do; I am Colombian, and my main language is Spanish. So all people have different perspectives against Latinos. They are very friendly and great collaborators with the people around them, like others who say we are selfish, envious, and destructive. Th makes the treatment of people towards us, the Latinos, very varied; generally, the Colombians are very known due to the narco culture. That is why I believe that regardless of where we come from, whether our country, culture, or language, we should never let ourselves be affected by the opinion or beliefs of others because we as people go much further than a culture and a tradition. That has been something that my family has taught me to never leave my essence aside under any circumstance. Being them, my parents have always taught me how important education is for one, so much so that I love studying and know where I am, and I know where I am going concerning my goals and dreams.

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