English Composition II

Author: Brandan Ramnandan (Page 5 of 7)

HW Day One Week 7

Unit Two – Nut Graf ~ Brandan Ramnandan


LeBron James Leaves Door Open To Cleveland Return – Matt Johnson (SportsNaut)





LeBron James clarifies comments, reaffirms commitment to ‘purple and gold as long as I can play’ – Lorenzo Reyes (USA Today)Ā 




According to an article published by Matt Johnson of SportsNaut, he states ā€œLeBron shared before the All-Star Game that he is open to rejoining the Cleveland Cavaliersā€. Quoting LeBron ā€œThe doorsā€™ not closed on that. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m coming back and playing, I donā€™t know. I donā€™t know what my future holds. I donā€™t even know when Iā€™m freeā€. LeBron is set to become a free agent in 2022-2023, it is highly likely due to the Lakers recent struggles this season and if they donā€™t pick up the pace next season, LeBron may leave the Lakers. My source to further this argument is published by Lorenzo Reyes from USA Today, he quotes LeBron during the all star game once again ā€œā€œMy last year will be played with my son,ā€ James told The Athletic on Feb. 19. ā€œWherever Bronny is at, thatā€™s where Iā€™ll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year.ā€ Now to me this is news, not only do we have comments about LeBron open to rejoining Cleveland, he now states he is going to play wherever his son is during his last year in the NBA, surely confirming the lakers will lose LeBron is the future since they have no draft picks after trading for Anthony Davis. He also later debunks the statement made about Cleveland saying “I never said Iā€™d see myself playing in a Cavaliers uniformā€, but instead that heā€™d pick up a one day contract to retire there. Personally, I think LeBron is teasing that he will test free agency when his contract is up so teams will have him on their radars for the future, although I disagree when it comes to him joining Cleveland because I donā€™t think theyā€™d have enough money to pay him for the amount of work heā€™ll have to do since Cleveland lacks starpower.

Week 6 Day 1 HW

Quote – Michael Jordan ~ “Everybody has talent but ability takes hard work”.

Michael Jordan states in this quote that “Everybody has talent but ability takes hard work”. This is coming from arguably the greatest basketball player of all time, but what exactly does he mean? In my opinion when he says everyone has talent I agree and I believe he’s saying we are all born without our own natural talents, like for example some players like mike are born with natural born athleticism and are able to dunk at a very young age. Now this doesn’t automatically mean that your abilities are perfected though , when talking basketball, ability can mean many things, shooting, dribbling, defense, or passing. There are many different aspects that come with the game of basketball and being the perfect player is very hard because many players are great at one thing and mainly focus on improving that skill, like Ben Simmons, he’s an amazing passer and great in the paint, but he can’t shoot and was recently traded from the 76ers because he refused to work on his jumpshot and this affected his team play because they desperately needed a guy who can create his own shot as well as play-make for the team, Simmons has the playmaking part down but he can’t make a 3 for his life.

Another example is Kawhi Leonard, coming into the league he didn’t have a jumpshot but his talent he was drafted for was defense because he was born with a longer wingspan than a regular person and huge hands which make it easier for him to steal the ball. Now in his case it is very different from Ben Simmons, he worked and worked every season until his jumpshot actually became something that people fear, he’s not a guy you want to leave open from 3 and can create his own shot now as well. Now he has his natural talent defensively and built an offense around it making him one of the best two way players in the league. Long story short these two players are similar as they made the NBA because they had talent but so far, only one of these players worked hard to improve their game outside of their strengths but instead by working on and improving their weaknesses, that is what makes a players abilities great,Ā  like our goat MJ he’s great on both sides of the floor improved his jumper and became a deadly threat from the midrange and in the post and when they were battling the “Bad Boy Pistons” and lost because they were physically being “out-muscled” mike went straight back into the gym and bulked so he was ready for the next season series against them and you can bet the next time they faced off the results were a lot different.

Unit 1 Final

Brandan Ramnandan

ā€œAajeeā€, Although I never knew it was spelled this way, is a word that will forever have so much meaning to me. I remember when I was younger and my parents first introduced our grandparents as ā€œAajeeā€ & ā€œAajahā€. ā€œAajee ” represents ā€œGrandmaā€ in guyanese (On the fathers side). In my heart though, itā€™s much more than just Grandma, sheā€™s the woman who taught me and my brothers so much, and raised my father to be who he is today. Growing up, I would always say Aajah to my grandpa but I would always say Grandma to my grandmother, iā€™m not exactly sure why but thatā€™s the way I did things.


After losing my grandmother last year, the word Aajee means more to me than ever before. She was ill with Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimerā€™s, now everytime I hear someone say Aajee, usually itā€™s my little cousins, it almost tears me up because I automatically think of all the memories with her, especially my last, she held onto my finger and wouldnā€™t let go, I know she was going through the worst of pain inside and Iā€™m glad sheā€™s in a better place now but the memories I shared with you my Aajee I would never forget, thank you for being the best grandma you couldā€™ve been, and thank you for showing us how truly strong you are with all you put up. Iā€™ll never forget when we first found out she was getting sick and I called and she just kept repeating my name over and over, you can hear the pain in her voice as she was struggling to speak. Aajee I love you forever, and everything I do, one of my biggest reasons for doing them will be to make you proud.


The word is derived from a Language in ā€œHindiā€ called ā€œMarathiā€ and is written (ą¤†ą¤œą„€) or (Aji). Like I spoke about before, this word holds more meaning to me than just grandma. When I hear the word Aajee, I automatically think back, Far Rockaway, weā€™re outside riding our bikes, grandmaā€™s inside getting food ready for us and my little cousins are trying to get my uncle to set the pool up, the smell of crab curry coming from the house window is amazing (crab is our favorite). Our grandma knew just the right things to do to make us have the most fun we possibly can.Ā  At this moment iā€™m feeling great, my body feeling great due to the summer time warmth, the ice cream trucks passing down the block reaches our ears and we go crazy running inside to ask ā€œAajee can we get ice cream!!ā€ My grandma quickly trying to find us some cash so we can catch the truck before it leaves is probably the funniest part, sheā€™s so sweet.Ā 


After finishing up the ice cream we would go inside asking again if we can ride our bikes outside and my grandma would go ā€œONLY AROUND THE BLOCKā€. My grandparents house had a huge block around the house where you can ride around and come back right to the house but you have to go out the yard and down to the left youā€™d see a hill curving right, if you go down the hill and follow it, youā€™ll approach some trees where if you go through you can end up by the beach but usually weā€™d just make a right and come right back around the block to this big circle where we always loved to just ride around on our bikes or even when someone was driving us. Looking above all you see is the planes from JFK going over the house, which was so annoying because MAN THESE PLANES ARE LOUD. If you look down youā€™d see my feet pedaling on my bike as I roam around during the hot summer day. I always remember another time me and my brother saw a huge white dog when we went around the block and he followed us half way until he just disappeared into the woods. I didnā€™t know whether to be scared or mesmerized, but as a kid of course I just kept it moving.Ā 

Even though I rarely used to call my grandma “Aajee” it’s still always going to have a deep meaning to me. Now everytime I hear the word “Aajee” , It reminds me of how strong my grandma truly was. In around 2018 she began to get sick, it hurts everytime I even try to think about just how much she was suffering. She was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease and Alzheimer’s, as time went on she continued to get progressively worse, she started off losing her memories and wouldn’t remember names or little things like she had the stove on and was cooking. My uncle even told me at random times at night she would get up and start cooking or try and leave the house, that scares me knowing she wasn’t in full control of what her body does and what her mind is thinking about. I remember when I had first spoken to her after she got sick and she just kept repeating my name over and over again “Brandan, Brandan, Brandan”. It was really hard to hear her that way cause her voice was so shaky and she just didn’t sound the same as before. Over time it got worse to the point where she would have to play with those toys and squeeze them in order to keep feeling in her hands and she wasn’t able to walk without assistance, until one morning she just was unresponsive and hadn’t woken up for a whole day, I’m glad we went to see her that day because that was the last time I saw my grandma breathing, i’ll never ever forget that day. My girlfriend always tells me, “she’s in a better place now” and it’s true, god took her and put an end to her suffering. Today March, 4th, would have been her 71st birthday and also her first birthday since she passed away, but even though she’s gone, I know she’s still here in spirit watching over us, and every move I make now is in the name of her, I hope I made you proud grandma.

Aajee will forever remain in our hearts until the end, Iā€™m grateful that I have such great memories with her and that I was able to really think about how much weight the word Aajee truly carries with it, because you only get one Aajee, after that you donā€™t get another one. Iā€™ll never forget her laugh, her smile, her jokes, her food, and the love she shared with her children and grandchildren. After she passed away, things weā€™re tough. It was really hard to accept the fact that one of the people who raised me is gone now and Iā€™ll never get to see them again. Over time I began to accept it and realized sheā€™s in a better place now. I wish I could feel the touch of when she held my finger and wouldnā€™t let go just one last time. This is the story about my Aajee, My Grandmother, and my definition of what an Aajee truly is.



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