English Composition II

Author: Brandan Ramnandan (Page 4 of 7)

Week 8 – hw day two

Brandan Ramnandan

  • What kind of opening does the article use? Is it effective as a hook? Yes the opening is related to lebron and him saying heā€™s open to rejoining cleveland.


  • Where is the first little bit of research? How does it support the authorā€™s initial point? The research is using different interviews from the past and present to see how LeBron and his comments towards free agency usually come to fruition.


  • Where is the nut graf? Is it before or after the initial research? Do we know what the writer is going to be talking about from here on ā€” what the main point is? The nut graf is after the research and after I found evidence to support my view.


  • In the body of the article, where and how does the author use research (give an example)?Ā 

He uses research when he references LeBronā€™s comments made in his All Star Game Interview.

  • In the body of the article, where does the author use personal information, if at all (give an example)? Does it help tie the article together or does it hurt? He uses personal info when speaking about the chances he believes this move to cleveland can happen and he mentions LeBron would probably have to take a pay cut which he doesnā€™t see happening.


  • How are individual paragraphs structured (do the paragraphs follow PIE structure? Do they each have one main point? How to they lead into each other, etc) Each paragraph is based off of a supporting piece of evidence, for example, LeBrons comments would be above and then the paragraph would discuss it and the chances of it being likely.


  • Where and how does the author use images (give two examples)? Are they data/information graphics? Are they decorative images? What do they add to the article?

They use images in the beginning of the page to showcase the player and team they are talking about, itā€™s a photo of LeBron in his Lakers Uniform.

  • What kind of conclusion does the author use? Circle back to the initial paragraph/idea? Advice and tips? Impactful quote? Call to action? Does it leave a strong impression? He closes it by leaving a discussion, NBA fans will be excited to see where LeBron lands. It leaves a strong impression because itā€™s makes the fans now involved and wondering exactly where LeBron might go.

Week 8 – HW Day One

LeBron James Leaves Door Open To Cleveland Return – Matt Johnson (SportsNaut)





LeBron James clarifies comments, reaffirms commitment to ‘purple and gold as long as I can play’ – Lorenzo Reyes (USA Today)Ā 





LeBron James and The Los Angeles Lakers have struggled throughout this season and underperformed significantly due to Russell Westbrook struggling to fit alongside Anthony Davis & LeBron James. Due to these struggles the Media have been open to speculations of LeBron returning to Cleveland or at least leaving LA. He mentioned a few times that he would join his son so we know heā€™s definitely looking towards his future in the NBA and what is best for his Legacy that is being written. LeBron has always been the type to troll the media as when he was in Cleveland he unfollowed them on Instagram knowing it would stir up a fire in the media and when they asked him about it, he acted as if they made it up. Of course that same season he would end up leaving and joining the Lakers. He does these little things on purpose in my opinion so he can give us an expectation of what he may do so when it does happen we arenā€™t flabbergasted the way we were when he announced his decision to join the Miami Heat in 2011.

According to an article published by Matt Johnson of SportsNaut, he states ā€œLeBron shared before the All-Star Game that he is open to rejoining the Cleveland Cavaliersā€. Quoting LeBron ā€œThe doorsā€™ not closed on that. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m coming back and playing, I donā€™t know. I donā€™t know what my future holds. I donā€™t even know when Iā€™m freeā€. LeBron is set to become a free agent in 2022-2023, it is highly likely due to the Lakers recent struggles this season and if they donā€™t pick up the pace next season, LeBron may leave the Lakers. My source to further this argument is published by Lorenzo Reyes from USA Today, he quotes LeBron during the all star game once again ā€œā€œMy last year will be played with my son,ā€ James told The Athletic on Feb. 19. ā€œWherever Bronny is at, thatā€™s where Iā€™ll be. I would do whatever it takes to play with my son for one year.ā€ Now to me this is news, not only do we have comments about LeBron open to rejoining Cleveland, he now states he is going to play wherever his son is during his last year in the NBA, surely confirming the lakers will lose LeBron is the future since they have no draft picks after trading for Anthony Davis. He also later debunks the statement made about Cleveland saying “I never said Iā€™d see myself playing in a Cavaliers uniformā€, but instead that heā€™d pick up a one day contract to retire there. Personally, I think LeBron is teasing that he will test free agency when his contract is up so teams will have him on their radars for the future, although I disagree when it comes to him joining Cleveland because I donā€™t think theyā€™d have enough money to pay him for the amount of work heā€™ll have to do since Cleveland lacks starpower.

Week 7 HW Day Two

USA Today



  • What kinds of articles/ stories/ mediaĀ  (and ads and videos for that matter) are on that site?Ā 
  • What does that tell you about who they think their audience is? How do you draw that conclusion?
  • How long are the pieces usually? (pages, words, minutes)?
  • What is the tone, usually? (funny, serious, casual)
  • What kind of diction is usually used? (casual, formal, academic, etc.)
  • How do they usually use evidence/ support (such as data, quotations, interviews, etc)?
  • What can you tell us about their visual presentation?Ā  Is it all black and white text? Video with lots of graphics?
  • How can you make your article a good fit for this publication?

The articles, stories and media on the site are based on LeBron, the news is strictly LeBron headlines for during the NBA season and more. This tells me that their main audience is LeBron fans or at least people who like to keep up with basketball and LeBron James. Each article is pretty long around 2ā€“5 paragraphs you can read in maybe 5-10 minutes. The tone is pretty serious, they donā€™t hesitate to bash LeBron or criticize the Lakers play whatsoever. The dictation is formal and they present their evidence pretty well, theyā€™ll have a picture with the score or a video to back up whatever argument they were trying to make underneath that said paragraph. The visual presentation is pictures all over the site with LeBron and the covers of these different articles as well as videos used as supporting evidence and photos. I can make my article fit with this publication because first, itā€™s LeBron related, and secondly, itā€™s about basketball news and it could be groundbreaking news if it comes to fruition as many people already believe LeBron is leaving soon and for the ones who donā€™t, these articles about his comments are only making it seem more obvious by the day.

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