English Composition II

Day 1 HW

After reading the article and watching the video, my understanding of it is about your name and the deeper meanings our names have behind it. Also how sometimes we would hide the correct pronunciation because of not wanting to share those aspects. For example, my name is Brandan, my parents are from guyana and it’s a custom for them to always spell names a little differently because of the accent. My parents call me BRAN-DAHN, because that’s how our people speak, and even if my name was Brandon they’d still say it the same way anyways. I think everyones name has a background relating to maybe where they come from or just something deeper, I also think some people take a little time to begin to like their names because they may be embarrassed about their culture and things like that.

Sorry I posted it as a comment before.

1 Comment

  1. Rouba Ali Al Saeedi

    I agree with the part where you mentioned how “everyone’s name has a background.” Names aren’t just words we’re called by, each name reflects on different aspects about us as people such as where we came from, where our parents came from, or even our cultures.

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