The most important think I learned in my unit 2 research is using the article to explain briefly about the actual topic and the most relevant parts of the article. The reason this is important because there are topics from the articles that are not very important but are just something you might be interested in knowing. From the five groups mentioned in the unit 3 article I believe older relatives and city tech freshman’s would be interested in my article from Unit 2 about NFTs. The reason is because freshman’s might not be able to start getting invested with NFTs but they might look into it to get started eventually when they can and older relatives actually have the chance in being able to get started with investing in NFTs. I think the best way to reach this group is through a video because there are many people who would be more interested in watching a video with visual examples on the topic. I think I did well on providing the choices and step on what an NFT is and how to get started and listing the consequences and other details on the topic that are important. Something I could have done is provide pictures and examples to make it easier to visualize.