Beforehand I had a little understanding of my topic but the most important thing that I’ve learned in this unit two research is that when doing this research, I were able to get an understand of different point of views and also be a little more informed instead of hearing what others had to say. For example, I would always hear that the women U.S soccer national team would have a huge wage between the males U.S soccer team but never really research how huge it really was.

Out of the five groups mentioned in the Unit three assignment sheet I would have to say that an activist group would have to know about my unit project the most because it a movement that could not be just based off of genders, but it can be for everyone and be an example on how sometimes it isn’t fair for one another, so everyone should be treated equally.

The way I feel it would be best to reach this group is by creating a video essay. The reason this is the best medium for the message is because I feel like now in days if people see things with words, they will barely read it or just skim through it where is if it’s a video it could be a 2–5-minute short video and wouldn’t take much time but it yet would give enough information where people are able to have an understanding.

Reflecting back to my Unit 2 article what I would have to say that I did well on is describing the idea/topic and gathering information. Furthermore, but what I wish I would have done better was maybe not just stick to the U.S national soccer team males and females’ problem but bring in different examples of how people aren’t treated equally. What I will do to improve upon my final portfolio is trying to structure the essay better.