• What kind of opening does the article use? Is it effective as a hook?

The opening that the article uses is with a video and a hook where they try to give some background information based on the video.

  • Where is the first little bit of research? How does it support the author’s initial point?

The first little bit of research is in the 5th paragraph. The way that it supports the authors initial point is by comparing the stats between the U.S male and females soccer teams’ accomplishments.

  • Where is the nut graf? Is it before or after the initial research? Do we know what the writer is going to be talking about from here on — what the main point is?

The nut graf is before the initial research, to be more specific it’s in the 2 paragraphs. Yes Indeed, we do know what the writer is going to talk because just with the title of article we get an assumption on what is going to be about. With that being said he then gets more specific and basically breaks down the title of the article.

  • In the body of the article, where and how does the author use research (give an example)? 

The author uses research by replaying interviews and getting stats of the accomplishments. For example, the trophies and medals that the U.S women nation soccer team have won in the Olympics and the World cup.

  • In the body of the article, where does the author use personal information, if at all (give an example)? Does it help tie the article together or does it hurt?

The author doesn’t use personal information, but it would have been great if she did because you’ll get a different point of view of a different problem coming from a female.

  • How are individual paragraphs structured (do the paragraphs follow PIE structure? Do they each have one main point? How to they lead into each other, etc) 

I would say that the paragraphs didn’t follow the pie structure. But there is only one main point, and the author tries to prove it by pulling little information based on main point.

  • Where and how does the author use images (give two examples)? Are they data/information graphics? Are they decorative images? What do they add to the article?

The author doesn’t show images but what author does show is a 2-minute video clip and little poll where you’re for equal or agree or disagree on “Should the U.S. women’s soccer team get paid more than the men’s team?” But adding more pictures would be great for example adding the medals and trophies that they have won.

  • What kind of conclusion does the author use? Circle back to the initial paragraph/idea? Advice and tips? Impactful quote? Call to action? Does it leave a strong impression?

The author does leave a strong impression in the conclusion because she adds a very powerful question in which just leaves you wondering.


Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/u-s-women-s-soccer-team-equal-pay-settlement-sets-ncna1290309