English Composition II

Week 8 Hw Day one


At one point in life everyone who was into sports such Basketball, baseball, football, and soccer wanted to make it big, in other words wanted to become a professional athlete. But what if you were put in a position where you are knowing that the opposite gender is having preference despite on your accomplishments? Not to mention, the U.S women soccer team has faced a problem similar to it where’s they weren’t rewarded equal as the males who are in the U.S soccer team.

(Nut Graph)

With that being said Soccer is more than a sport. In fact, it’s a job where people have to depend on to be able to provide for their family. Even though many may not see what’s going outside the pitch they should be able to get knowledge on what’s really happening. On the fact that people aren’t being treated equally. Many may complain that males seem to pull more streams which should led them to more money but in reality, the sport of soccer males and females both have the same objective in which is to get on the pitch to play and give the people an entertaining match.


  1. Rouba

    I really liked how you introduced the topic in a way that seems like you’re brainstorming your readers. Your inclusion of a question makes the intro more appealing and leads to making your audience think about the point you’re trying to make.

  2. Salomee

    I liked when you ask, “but what if you were put in a position where you are knowing that the opposite gender is having preference despite your accomplishments?” It makes a contradiction and makes the reader think. I also like that your intro flows nicely into your nut graph.

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