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Skincare may be the trending cure towards beautification, wellness, and health today but truth be told it shouldn’t be novel. Unfortunately, with millennia of knowledge shrouded, many are unaware that this practice has been around since the beginning of time. Furthermore, a substantial amount of ingredients found in contemporary skincare products dates back to antiquity.


Source 2: Quote Sandwich

According to Dr. Alan M. Dattner, a Westchester County dermatologist, many of the colleagues whom he has worked with, recommend their patients’ medications as well as natural approaches to treat their skin. They assert that both approaches are equally significant and useful. In the article entitled, “With Herbs, a ‘Fuller Palette’ for Skin Care”, Dr. Dattner, remarks, “the traditional practice of topically treating dermatological conditions with plant-derived medicines predates the cultures of ancient Egypt and remains vital today in the United States and Europe.” (Jackson, 5) For example, psoriasis is a condition that causes a person’s skin to become red, itchy, and scaly. This skin disease is often treated with topical steroids, ointments, and sometimes with laser for severe cases. Yet, the use of aloe vera, a standard beauty and health component used to soothe, heal and moisturize the skin, is a great alternative to these approaches. In a clinical study that consisted of patients with slight to moderate psoriasis, patients reported having felt better and were satisfied by the effects of applying aloe vera as a topical treatment. Unsurprisingly, the use of aloe vera was also found written on an uncovered papyrus, describing the plant as “the plant of immortality”. It was named by the pharaoh as the “elixir of eternal life”. It is said that Cleopatra used aloe vera on a daily basis.