English Composition II

Week 5: Weekly Assignment

Admitting you have an addiction to something is the first step to recovery. However, I think that if the addiction doesn’t harm you, the people around you, or the environment then you don’t necessarily have to let go of it. I mean would you ever advise a health freak to stop eating healthy? In my case, I am passionate about skincare, skincare research and background, formulation, and everything about it. I find myself researching different components in skincare every single day maybe even ten times a day. I could spend hours and hours reading about case studies, formulations, or discoveries in skincare. I feel that I am qualified to write on such a topic because I am very passionate about cosmetic chemistry and I have already spent a lot of time investigating. It has even motivated me to study Chemistry as it’s my major. I am especially fascinated how even in ancient times, people would study herbs and plants to find their use in wound healing and cosmetic beautification. I’d love to research more about such practices to see whether they have evolved or stayed the same. It would be delightful to take a trip back time and see what practices we have maintained and those that we have dismissed.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Edelson

    Great topic! Please pursue it. I can’t wait to learn all about skin care. Make sure to find a slant on it like, “natural skincare” or “internal skincare” so the topic isn’t too overwhelming.
    Prof. Edelson

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