Word: Work/Family still don’t know

This might not be original but it was a Saturday afternoon and my grandfather was taking me to my aunt’s house. He always gives me life lessons when walking and one of the things he would always say is “you should always find good work for yourself” in my home language this quote from my grandpa has always stuck to me till even now. it’s something I have to do for my future, get paid well to provide for my family. Usually, when parents say these things they would always try to make you go to a specific job like a doctor or a lawyer but my grandpa didn’t tell me those things how told me to find a work that pays well but also finds a work that would make me happy. I didn’t really listen to his point on getting a job that will make me happy because I was 10 or 11 at the time and he would teach me everything so I never wanted to disappoint him. So I would try to google the best jobs to make money and stuff and saw that becoming a doctor is the thing I wanted to do. (turns out that is not my dream job anymore so yeah).

One of the reasons why I would try to search which job paid the best is because I realized my family was not particularly rich per se so I would try my best for school (I would still get bad grades though). Both my parents were born in a village during the time of the Soviet Union and after the collapse of the Soviet Union my parents moved to America and so it was vastly different. Both my mom and dad were working long hours plus my parents had 4 kids in 6 years plus my oldest brother was 4 years older than my second oldest so my parents were carrying everything on their shoulders. My parents did everything for me they broke their back for my siblings and me, got no vacation, little days off so they mean everything to me and so I want to give back. No, I have to give back for what they did for me if I can’t I would be disappointed in myself.