English Composition II

Week 3 Day 1

Growing up, we all face many challenges when it comes to our identity and the communities we come from. Some share struggles and some others have it easy. At the end of the day, we all have went through something that may have been good or bad.  I come from many communities but the one that has brought struggle is being a part of the Arab community. Racism plays a part in every racial/ethnic community. I have been told many times while walking with my family members to go back to our country. I never let it faze me, but I would never understand the point of it. However, as challenging as it is, it is up to you to make you even more proud or to let it get to you. Whichever community you may be a part of, it makes that part of your identity a beautiful thing.

Like Abdurraqib, he discusses each community he is a part of individually. In this writing, he talks about being a part of the Black community and connects it to the song ‘Alright’ by Kendrick Lamar. It is unfortunate that just because you are a part of a community, your life becomes threatening. He says “they’ll make sure “Alright” is playing, and we’ll feel the way it felt hearing it for the first time, in the face of all this wreckage. Full of so much promise, as if all of our pain were a bad dream we just woke up from.” He discusses how in Yale university, a group of black students still felt that joyful unity despite the racism that played. So being a part of a community and feeling like you don’t fit in because others aren’t a part of your community may be draining which is why it’s important to surround yourself with those who fit into your community. Abdurraqib brings the message that even with no liberation, it is all just a nightmare.

Overall, there’ll always be those that hate. There’ll always be those that don’t support. You may always feel like you don’t belong or that you are unwanted, but it should never give those that satisfaction. Me being a part of an Arab community, racism is everywhere among every other community. Others face harder, and others have it easier, but at the end of the day, it only makes you stronger. Abdurraqib shows how the song ‘Alright’ is a positive affirmation itself showing that as hard as their lives may be, it’ll be alright.

1 Comment

  1. Salomee Khawja

    I also agreed with Abdurraqib’smessage that it’s important to surround yourself with people of your community.

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