So, I agree with the professor that we’re all part of multiple communities and a couple of communities that I’m a part of that I would have to say is soccer community and an art community. The reason why I would say a soccer community is because there’s a lot of communication going on throughout a game. As for language the way we communicate is coming up with our own words and making it have meaning between us teammates. For example, as we engage on the pitch, we would use words like “man on” or “through ball” or we would even make movements with our body such as when we have a corner kick, we raise our hand up to know we going to stick to the plan. So, all the movements and words phrase we would use on a game were practiced beforehand during our training so we could prepare ourselves. Furthermore, in an art community I had to learn the language of an art student because there was different terminology. For example, a couple of words that I learned were baseline, Vanishing point, Abstract, Focal point, and many more. The way I learned this language is from being a student and listening to my teachers on how they would describe and explain during a lesson. Honestly there are a couple of words that are help me feel like I’m in an in-crowd which is VPR and VPL. The definition for VPR is Vanishing point Right and VPL is Vanishing point Left.