English Composition II

Week 2 HW One

After reading “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” a thing that I found confusing was when it stated “Which is why it’s important to remember Fuku doesn’t always strike like lightning. Sometimes it works patiently, drowning a nigger by degrees,”. The reason I found it confusing was because it made me wonder why he used the language he used or why he even uses an example like that. What I think the writer was trying to do throughout the whole passage was talk about things that they have experience or even mention about words that they there familiar with. So, a place in passage that I found difficult and got caught up on was when it stated “it’s perfectly fine if you don’t believe in these superstitions. In fact, it’s better than fine it’s perfect. Because no matter what you believe, fuku believes you”. I didn’t exactly get caught up with the whole sentence, but I only got caught up with the little part where he states, “no matter what you believe, fuku believes you”.  The reason why I got caught up here because I actually want to know what he actually means by this for example what I get from this is that fuku is always out there and it comes and goes.

1 Comment

  1. Ivan

    I got caught up in that actually too but I see fuku as some sort of karma, that if you did something bad, you are going to pay it eventually.

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