I thought about writing that reminds me of a situation from my and my sister’s childhood. I can start by saying that I have learned to identify in writing and reading a constant journey into the past. When I dare to write for pleasure or duty, I always go back to moments that have built me on the path of life.

I have been a very active and graphic person, I mean, I like to be in movement, and I have always wanted to draw. Still, I had not dared to express myself through writing and reading, and I think that is something that my older sister always wanted to instill in me. When I think of writing and reading for pleasure, I think of her. My sister has been a reference for letters and the meaning of words. This course, makes me want to thank her for the times we visited libraries or bookstores and spent the afternoon there. She often tried to influence me into the habit of reading and writing.

Sometimes I thought that reading or writing any thoughts were boring matters. In high school, I had a couple of problems when it came to writing papers and pre-reading them. I felt it was an unnecessary routine. However, I always looked for help to solve that belief. In school, I learned that writing was critical in order to communicate my knowledge and learning academically.

Despite having been an outstanding student, I feel that this issue of writing and reading was still complicated for me. Now I have created a stronger bond with paper because it has helped me self-satisfy with my knowledge. Today I can count the number of books I have read. I found a list of many comics and fiction books that remind me that I enjoyed reading a lot.

It has been a challenge for me to learn how important it is for educational advancement to have a taste for reading and writing. Suddenly, in a new experience with this course, I am faced with a new challenge. I am fortunate to declare that I have managed to understand how important it is to understand the texts and the messages they want to communicate to me so that I can also achieve feedback from my classmates, my teachers or the world.

For example, I believe that one of the activities in this course, I was able to recognize and share the importance of culture in society and how important its history is, when in the text ”El Fogón” I mention that: ”To “prender el fogón” in my community means to share. It also means learning because the food acquires a very particular and delicious flavor. Thanks to that, some people who know how to do it well have dedicated themselves to working cooking for other people from a stove. It turns out to be very fortunate for the people who learn to cook with this tool.” Here, I have managed to share with my colleagues a way of communicating in another part of the world. I think that doing it through writing has been the best opportunity.

I think it is straightforward to focus attention on printed paper or some text accompanied by images, and thanks to this course, with which I learned techniques to structure a reader and ways to write it depending on the genre or audience to which it is addressed; I could show much more about the knowledge that I had accumulated and had not occurred to me how to express it.

Initially, I thought it would be challenging to be creative when sharing information. But with some tips that I read in texts and suggestions from the teacher, I understood that it is enough to have a clear idea that I want to convey and the type of people to whom I am going to direct the information to create the way to do it. For this reason, doing the activity with the magazine filled me with emotion and pride.

I was able to be creative, link my taste for graphics, comics, and now writing, and invite my colleagues to practice sports activities and represent my knowledge with a phrase accompanied by a motivating photograph: “With adventure comes great responsibility.” This was a challenge fulfilled because I could not think of a better way to share a lifestyle, to young people like me: ”There are so many versions of this sport that it is one of the healthiest ways to keep us alive. Responsible cycling is a life option, and with this sport, we make a significant contribution to society and the planet for a better life.”

I believe that I was able to achieve a precious transformation in the process of this course because I went from knowing that practicing writing and reading was helpful to understanding that it is imperative to understand the content that is shared with us or that I seek for my interest towards things, in order to understand my objectives.

Writing has a factor that I learned with this course, and that is that with it, I can examine and analyze clearly my thoughts and ideas about some topics. And from writing, I can make and transform it into any content to share with other people the information I want to convey.

Precisely, the activity of the artist statement allows me to understand as something more personal, the exercise of writing. This activity, in particular, made me think how valuable the people who have the habit of keeping a written diary or using a medium such as a blog to express their thoughts or ideas are.

I believe that those who dare to write for pleasure have great talent, but those who can take on the challenge of recognizing the reasons why they write and for whom they write are true artists. Thanks to the artist’s statement, I learned the importance of sharing to receive feedback as well: ”Sharing information with other young people also makes me feel willing to receive comments, opinions, and input”.

Finally, to assume writing as a challenge and as a respectable and valuable activity is to understand that socially we are full of codes and languages that allow us to understand each other. In history, writing has been our great reference to continue learning and motivates us to investigate and share more.