For the unit 3 project the audience would be activists. The main point will be the same as unit 2 with a slightly change. In unit 2 I felt like main point was focusing on the equitability that women have to encounter in sports. In this case I feel like my unit 3 main point would target different problems that not only females face but males as well. The genre of my unit 3 project would be a video but still undeceive whether it would be a good approach.  The way I’m planning to do this video is have different images with captions on the side or even having a voice as the background.  So, the plan on what I would need for this new technology is to figure out how to create the video.



Day 1: Do research on how to create a video. In other words, the format and layouts.

Day 2:  Start laying out different video options that I will work with and work on the video.

Day 3: Start to collect more images and gather some information from my essay that would work with the video

Day 4: Review the video and add or take out some ideas