• What is the MOST important thing you learned in your Unit Two research? Why? (Write these things down.) 
  • Now, of the five groups mentioned in the Unit Three assignment sheet, who do you think needs to know about this “important thing” from your Unit Two project the most? Why? 
  • How do you think you could best reach this group? A video essay? A TED Talk? A Comic Book? Why is this the best medium for your message? 
  • Lastly,  take a moment to reflect on your Unit 2 article. What do you think you did well? What do you wish you had done better? What will you improve upon for the final portfolio?


During my research for Unit Two I learned some new things about my hobby, basketball. I learned about how players in the NBA can toy around with the media as they please to create a storm, I don’t blame them though because one thing you say can be twisted into anything so you might as well play their game and give them what they want to talk about. I also learned of some new info about LeBron saying he was going to play with his son in his last season because I only knew about him saying he’d join the Cavs again. Of the five groups mentioned it’s hard to target a specific one, I’d say basketball is an interest in all these categories except maybe the council. I think that older people, youth, city tech freshman, maybe not fourth graders all have people that care about basketball or are into sports so it was directed to those who are fans of the NBA and LeBron James. I think the best way of reaching these audiences is having videos of interviews of proof with some context behind it, the reason is because people may not want to read all of that but if they have someone actually telling them about it then i’m sure they’ll be interested especially if it’s a video. I think I did well on my research and my argument with the topic i chose, I should’ve went for a more sophisticated topic but basketball is my beat. I will improve on my next by showing much more imagery and have a directed audience which will be 4th graders. I’m interested in making these 4th graders entertained by my imagery but also by the things I’ll say to them.