The most important thing I learned in my Unit 2 research was ways to really deeply take care of myself and make it to a habit. I learned the importance of self care too and how it connects to self love. As I researched, I learned how data and tips made a big distribution to my paper and how I can write it out. I believe that what I wrote can be beneficial towards city tech freshman, young children, teens, and adults overall.

I believe the practice of self care targets all ages, because it is a necessity to do so. Self care has no age so I do believe that my paper is for all audiences that may be struggling to love and take care of themselves.

The best way I can reach my target audience with my paper would be either through an inspirational poem or a comic strip. I want others to be influenced by it to the point where they can do it. I also want others to actually enjoy taking in the importance of self care and grasping onto the tips and information, rather than being bored reading it.

I think the way I formatted my essay was good. I do feel that I could’ve explained the points I’ve made a little better and provide some more information. I do know for the next piece, I will provide more information and connect my sentences a little better.