Colombia the second country with the most inequality in Latin America

In this text, I will make a small analysis of inequality in my country. A problem that Colombia has been presenting which inhibits a social problem that fosters poverty, violence, and corruption, being seen as an inefficiency of the state with the public resources, affecting the civilian population evidenced in an irrelevant inequity economically, politically, and socially.

The World Bank says that “the income of the richest which is 10% of the population of Colombians is eleven times greater than that of the poorest 10%, and compares it with the most equitable OECD country, the Slovak Republic, where 10% of the richest population earn just three times as much as the poorest 10%.”

Over time, the problems we have been facing in Latin America are reflected by economic inequality. It is a great generator of small conflicts in each state, which gives way to internal violence due to the unequal treatment caused by society itself, involving social classes, gender, ethnicity, religion, and services. Moreover, positioning ourselves in second place in Latin America as the country with tremendous inequality.

It affects several essential services such as health since it intervenes in an infant’s life’s healthy growth and gestation. When the state refers to the fact that we are all born equal, with the same rights, they do not realize that in some rural areas of the country and less favored sectors where many children lack services, it is due to the fact that resources are not equitably distributed.

Concluding that this problem dramatically affects the population, segregating them from injustices and blocking their dreams and the congestion of getting ahead, we come to the analysis that inequality is a great inhibitor of inconveniences that Colombians experience daily.

Text: Inequality in Colombia is the highest of all OECD countries, says the World Bank.

Brayan Xavier Becerra, La Republica,