Gaming is everywhere, it is an interest that continues to constantly grow and people can even make money off of it whether it’s through streaming or tournaments. Many people in this generation even consider gaming to be their full time career because of the large amount of money they’re making off of it. For example, one gaming clan has “won 19 million in prize money so far.” Furthermore, gaming has become so popular over the years that “physical spaces around the country are being renovated into gamer bars,” such as “super league gaming, which converts movie theaters into esports arenas.” Evidently, gaming is taking over social spaces as it grows more and more popular in the entertainment industry. While gaming and people interested in gaming have increased, other entertainment businesses have declined compared to it. “Movie theater attendance hit a twenty five year low in 2017, while 638,000 tuned in to watch Drake play fortnite recently.” To add on, “The experience of games is so rich, so deep, they deliver on the promise, whereas films have increasingly not delivered on the promise.” As a result of gaming becoming more and more popular, it is clear people are starting to enjoy watching people play games rather than going to movie theaters. Gaming is even starting to take its impact on the sports industry as “The paris olympics in 2024 are now in talks to include gaming as a demonstration sport. Undeniably, gaming and its popularity have begun to take its impact on the entertainment industry as a whole.
Bowles, Nellie. “All We Want to Do Is Watch Each Other Play Video Games.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 May 2018,
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