English Composition II

Weekly Assignment Week 5

This may sound very nerdy and embarrassing, but something I am passionate about and know a lot about are Japanese comic books and graphic novels. I find myself reading a lot of them nowadays which is what I do to keep me entertained/busy. However, I’ve recently been finding myself searching/looking up topics related to my major, Electrical Engineering. I am not going to lie, it is very difficult but also very interesting, which is one of the reasons I pursued becoming one. It amazes me how much we’ve accomplished and there is still a lot more to uncover. Faster computers, faster communication systems, AI, and more.


  1. Salomee

    This topic is very captivating, it’s astonishing what we have conquered/invented as a society. It’s honestly exciting yet unnerving to think of the future.

  2. ayah

    I like this topic and how you contribute to it. It does build more knowledge and allows you to be more open minded just learning new things everyday. It is crazy how as time goes by, the minds of humans become more advanced with all these inventions.

  3. Prof. Edelson

    I love this topic and I don’t think it’s nerdy and embarrassing at all. But I am a total nerd…so…

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