It was a hot summer day. I woke up and did my normal routine. The weather was so nice but I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Then my brother asked me if I wanted to go watch a basketball game. of course I said yes i am a really big basketball fan. The teams that were playing were the Chicago bulls and the Brooklyn Nets. I was so excited because these were two of my favorite teams, and my favorite player was on the Chicago Bulls. His name is Derrick Rose. I always loved watching Derrick Rose on the T.V at home, so the fact that Got to watch him in person for the first time I went crazy. It was time to go to the game, I put on my Derrick Rose jersey and my brother and I left home. Since the game was in Brooklyn my brother and I had to take multiple buses and a train. The train ride was about fifty minutes so I was getting a little tired while we were going to Barclay Center. Finally we arrived at the arena, we got there pretty early so my brother and I decided to walk around the arena. This wasn’t my first time at the Barclay Center so I was familiar with most of the arena. Then we decided to go to our seats. oh yeah I forgot to mention we got seats that were right behind the bulls bench. I think we had the best seats in the house because we were right next to the court and we would be able to hear everything that the players were saying. There were ten minutes on the game clock before the game started so the players came out and were warming up. watching basketball players warm up was crazy they were not missing any shots I see why they are professionals. The players were getting ready to start the game because warmups were finished. They started walking to the bench I saw Derrick Rose up close. I yelled his name and asked him for an autograph, I didn’t think he was going to respond but he said “sure my guy”  That was one of the best moments in my life. My favorite player that I had been watching all my life gave me an autograph for my book. I still have the book to this day. The game then started It was first quarter both teams were going back and fourth. one of the plays Derrick Rose stole the ball ran on the fast beak and dunked the basketball. He jumped so high off the ground it looked like he was soaring through the air. The first half of the game was then finished, the score was 58-56, the bulls were up by two. My brother and i went to go get some food since half time was a thirty minute break. I decided to get some popcorn and a water and my brother got some nachos. we walked back to our seats and watched the half time show. during this half time show they had a special guest performing. His name was Nas. Nas was one of my favorite rappers so it was cool to see him perform some of my favorite songs. Some songs he performed were NY STATE of MIND, DOO RAG, and If I Ruled The World. Overall it was a great half time show but it was time for the second half to start. At this point in the game Derrick Rose had 18 points 4 rebounds and 6 assist so he was doing a little bit of everything on the court. The game was still neck and neck both teams were hitting very difficult shots and were playing very hard. One of the players on the Brooklyn Nets was having a really great game his name was Deron Willams. He had 25 points and 8 assist he was carrying the team on his back. the fourth quarter then started. this was the most important quarter of the game. The score at this point in the game was 100-95 the nets were up this time so the bulls had to start playing better if they were going to win this game. and then that’s when Derrick Rose started to go off. He came down the court and hit two three pointers putting the bulls up by 1 point. Then the nets came down and his a two pointer putting them up by one point. The score was 102-101. There was five seconds left and the bulls were down one point. The coach called a timeout so he can talk to his players. When he was talking to his players he said “lets ameliorate our current situation and win this game boys” I was so shocked when he said this because I remembered when my Dad told me this word when I was having personal problems. The timeout was over the bulls had the ball, the gave the ball to Derrick Rose he came down the court and shot the ball with one second left, as the ball was passing through the air I was standing on my feet hoping it was going to go in, then the shot went in. The crowd went crazy. I was so happy that my favorite player hit the last shot. I guess the word “ameliorate” works wonders in every aspect of life.