Something that I am passionate about is New York itself. I have been living here my whole life. The diverse neighborhood has been beautiful. The stores in New York are great, But in these past few years, New York has been decreasing in quality. So what the hell happened? New York has turned into one of the things that I am really angry about. The problems of New York have been more impactful than the positives of New York. Some of the problems around its stem from the mismanagement of the pandemic, the closing down of the businesses, the bubble that does not want to pop the real estate companies that would charge you thousands of dollars a month for a small amazon box to live in, crime is rising and now it hurting small businesses, Law that make these crimes less punishable or even legal, all the tax that we have to pay, and even more problems that I can’t add to it. These problems need to be fixed. New York isn’t the same anymore, people are leaving this state for a better one, Business finds no need to stay in New York. It’s time for change and we need it now.