English Composition II

Unit 1 Rough Draft

   A specific word used in my community is the word corey. I am not sure if this is the way you spell it but it’s a word that is used when you don’t complete something you’re supposed to do in one shot. I am not sure how this word came from, but it is a word that means a lot to me now because my father used to tell me that as a kid which I find kind of funny now, but not at the time. This word has a huge meaning to me while growing up. Ever since my dad passed away, and I’m at work or doing something at home, I always think about that word which in a way motivates me to complete what I have to do.

    This has been a word also used with a lot of my family members because if we had homework over the weekend, we would have to complete all of it in one day and not spread it out throughout the week. It was a good way of just making sure we were able to stay on track and in a way, make sure we are not slacking off or becoming lazy by spreading small tasks that are not needed to be spread out into multiple days because obviously, not everything can take a day to complete. Also, this can be something like practicing a skill or something because you are most likely not going to become a professional in one day by doing it all day. It takes consistency, dedication, and hard work to master something. I think he just means that there should be no slacking off when you are trying to do something or complete something and that we should aim at trying to do something we should do, but we just internally find resistance in not wanting to complete something for some strange reason.

  My dad was an electrician and one day, I was helping him out to complete a job at a job site in Brooklyn. I was with my dad, my cousin, and my uncle because my dad and uncle were close and had a similar field of work where they were usually with each other when working, and I was just watching him while he was wiring up a service panel, and my cousin and his dad were working somewhere else. It was around the morning because we usually go to different job sites on Sunday because I was pretty young at the time and had school, so I was only available to help him on Sundays. It was around the Spring time I believe because the weather was not bad and it wasn’t cold at the time I believe. I was pretty active and I loved playing basketball and I was always excited to play with my cousin when we would come back from completing a job with my dad. It was also very loud because of the construction going on and it was kinda messy where we were because there were a lot of tools near us, as well as material, and the area was a little messy while he was working because there was a lot of garbage like wires, circuit breakers, etc. I believe he brings me with him often to see what he does so I can learn from him, and I would also end up cleaning the area and bringing him tools from the truck when he asked for something specific. 

Sometimes when I would not clean up the workspace area properly, he would use the word corey because I did not clean it properly because it was important to keep the place clean so you are organized and you can keep track of where everything is. When he would use this word, at the time, I didn’t really care. I was just like whatever and just moved on because I didn’t really care or focus on the word, but now looking back at these times and with this assignment, I can see what was going on in his head and the goal he was trying to set in a way. The word corey was a word that was used in his community like his family growing up and was passed down in a way and used in my family. I am not sure if this word is still being used by other people in the world but there is surely another word that is being used in the same context of the word corey and it would be. This word has been a huge help in shaping not only me but my siblings as well because I was not the only person being called corey because my sister and brother have been called this countless times as well, so it was interesting to see how well it shaped them as well because I believe my brother has been called corey the most and he is very successful right now and this word may have had an impact on him as well. My sister has not been called this word much from what I remember but my sister has always done well in completing her tasks and she makes sure she gets what she needs to get done on time and is usually hardworking when she needs to be. I think the word corey definitely has an impact on how you are and act as a person growing up, as well as other words that have the same or similar meaning. I also don’t think my dad has used this word purposefully in thinking that it would shape our future or how we would end up turning out in the future or maybe he did in his own way, but it was something that just happened at the moment and it’s just a word used to call someone in certain situations. It would be interesting to see how others turn out from this word in different communities.


  1. Salomee

    I liked reading this and the inclusion of the story and imageries helped to make it sound alive. I think if you wanted to add anything, maybe talk more about the etymology, otherwise, this was exemplary. I especially liked it when you talked about the instances of doing homework, helping your dad, and also the last paragraph about your siblings and father.

  2. Account Deleted

    I really enjoyed reading your essay, I find the word you chose to be unique. I think the word basically means not to procrastinate or “don’t leave today’s work for tomorrow.” I found the part where you explained how a simple word being said to you can change you and make you become a better person very interesting because it’s true, some people might think that a word or a piece of advice won’t matter, indeed they eventually do. I got this from reading your work: The word Corey has shaped you as a person, changed you, you didn’t realize how important it is at first, but seeing the consequences, you understood the impacts of the words being said to us.

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