People have different definition for certain words or even seem to use words differently. In this case in my community, you would usually hear the word Aguas. In Spanish the word aguas actually means water. Yes, when many hear that word, they think water but, in this case in my community, they seem to be using it as “watch out”. But don’t get me wrong we would also refer aguas as water as well. You would often hear the word aguas  from many people starting from your grandparents to your uncles and even siblings or even your cousins. It could be used in different scenarios such as in your household, family gathering, or even parties.

I remember this one-day Saturday morning around ten something my parents had bought some bread and decided to prepare some hot chocolate for me and my siblings. So, my siblings and I decided to contribute and help set things up. In which case I decided to serve and pour the hot chocolate in the cups. But as I began to walk to my kitchen, all I heard was one of my parents’ shout out Aguas esta caliente. In which case they wanted to let me know oh watch out its hot.

Since it wasn’t my first time hearing those words, I was able to acknowledge what they meant but if you ever wonder someone who isn’t familiar with the certain words that are being used with different meanings it would just get people confused or even just make them wonder why they are shouting water. It’s understandable because aguas meaning water and aguas meaning “watch out” it is literally spelled the same way nothing seems to change but the way you’re expressing it.