English Composition II

WEEK 3 HW DAY 2 OR UNIT DRAFT 1 02/18/2022

I belong to a town in Colombia, which is made up of a largely rural area. Its main economic movement is agriculture and the countryside and, therefore, the care of the land to produce enough food and thus be able to market it. In my community, because it is so small, it has always been difficult to access technology or an economy that allows its habitants to be updated or modernized, so some cultural and gastronomic habits are still maintained.

In my community, we use the term “Fogón” and the expression: “Vamos a prender el fogon” to carry out one of our habits, which is about preparing food in a place, preferably outdoors, and created with our own hands, which is suitable for making fire. In other words, to light a stove, we need a structure built on a base of stones or bricks, and between this base, we put firewood, and on top of the wood, we put a grill that helps us hold the pan where we are cooking. It is important that the stove is located at a point in the house, that it can function as a kitchen and as a dining room at the same time, in such a way that it allows several people to gather and share.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Edelson

    This is fascinating! I can’t wait to read the finished product!

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