Before I talk about the communities I’m part of, I would like to figure out what it means to be in a community, like in order for it to be a community does it need to be more than one person or would that be considered a community. I’m just curious but have you ever been playing basketball and someone yells out “iso” or “2-3”. The meaning of them is pretty straightforward but for people who don’t know how to play basketball it may be difficult to understand. For example “iso” means isolation, basically when someone yells that out it means the one dribbling the ball or defending the ball, wants everyone to move out the way and make space, “2-3” on the other hand is a defensive position where all the players get to their positions. Any random person playing basketball wouldn’t know what that means, most people when beginning to play basketball won’t know what that means, and I say that because I’ve been there, I didn’t know what the hell was going on most of the time but I got the hang of things after starting to pay attention to the basketball language or slang you could say. Watching NBA games helped a lot too because seeing some of my favorite players talk and play while on the court really stuck with me as a young kid who wanted to play basketball. It got to a point where I would reenact what I just saw and try to implement it into my game. Another thing that helped me immensely was my teammates, having teammates that are also your friends helps more than you know it. Now my friends outside of basketball is a whole different community because the “language” I use to talk to them is way different, so different that I could last another 2 pages just on that!