English Composition II

Week 2 day 2 homework Jayden Baird

When I was in high school I took a computer programming class. As I was taking this class I had to learn a programming language called JavaScript. JavaScript is a programming language that is one of technologies of the world wide web. When I was first learning this language it was very difficult because the words that I had to learn had different meanings. For example, some words that I had to learn were “loop”, which is something that is used to perform the same action multiple times in a row. “Var” which is the most common way to create a variable in JavaScript. “Function” which is a key word that allows you to define your own functions in JavaScript. Also the word “Object” which is the basic data structure in JavaScript. This language is very different from regular languages like Spanish, French, Italian and many more. But I had to learn these words and many more to communicate with my teacher and the peers in my class. This was not the only community I was apart of. I am currently taking three law classes for my major. In the future I am hoping to become an attorney, and with wanting to become an attorney there are many key words that I had to learn. For example, when lawyers are in court there are many words  that the judge says that the lawyer has to understand. Some of these words are cross examine, which is the questioning of a witness by the attorney for the other side. Another word is allegation, which is something that someone says happened. continuance which means putting off the trial until another time. These two things I had to learn were very difficult, when I was first learning them it was hard to speak to people that I had to work with. How ever as time goes on I felt comfortable in both my Law and Programming communities.

1 Comment

  1. Allan Yunayev

    I am also part of the coding community

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