What Mike Bunn means when he says, “you are already an author” for me, he refers to the fact that I am the one who has control over everything regarding the writing that I do. Regardless of what it is about, whether it is an essay, a small story, or a news article, I have control and power to make the decisions that I want and direct the reader where I want and aim for the public that I want. One of the things that I write or do very often is summarize articles and put my main ideas on a piece of paper, and from there, I get inspired with the rest of the writing. I write small written works, emails, texts, small articles, and above all stories, that is the easiest thing for me to do since I am only narrating something that has happened to me, and it is easy for me to put it into words. Mostly I try to make my essay somewhat formal because it is something I want to learn, but it is something that is very difficult for me since English is my second language, so everything is more complex, but I try to write enough to learn. I think this expertise helps me sufficiently regarding what kind of things I want to write and on what occasion and with what vocabulary, both formal and informal, as well as with reading, to have a wide range of comprehension to understand a wide variety of concepts or genres.

Something that I noticed about Bunn and I would like to do in my writing would be to have that analytical part and ask myself many questions throughout what I am reading, as well as make summaries while I read because that would help me a lot to provide ideas for what I am going to write later, both the information it provide me as well as taking notes on how the text or article is structured; and what techniques the author uses to catch the reader. I also read various types of reading from different genres in order to boost my writing, questioning what I am reading and thinking about how I can do it better.

I am attaching some photos of sentences that caught my attention from the reading.