During my portfolio class my proffessor asked the class if anyone been to the Women in Comics show that was going on during that week in the gallery. Not a lot of people raised their hands so he took part of the class time to have everyone head over to the gallery to check out the work as well as observe our future competitors.
When I walked in there were artwork hanged on the wall and a table with a small booklet of the artists and a little biography. The art in that gallery was amazing. The storyboard every scene was drawn by hand and every shadow was added. Most of the work in the gallery was done by hand.
One of the artwork that stood out to me was by an artist by the name of Selina Briggs. Her artwork was so similar to artwork I have seen in Junior Highschool. The art that Selina did the figures are made of squares while the art I saw back in Junior Highschool are somewhat normal round figures. Also the placement of the heart and how its showing are also on the same spot. Another classmate spotted out the same thing and called it out to the professor. He suggested to come back to gallery later that day at 9PM because that is when the artist will be here and asked that artist if she really copied from another art. But then again I don’t have any evidence that she copied that art. Who knows maybe she was the original creator? or maybe just inspired by it. None the less no credit was given to the original creator.