Albano Worksheet

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

A Choose your path interactive fiction game can best be describe as a game book that gives the player multiple options and/or choices that they can pick from. Any option picked from the player will have a different ending. This is calculated by the player’s initial selections. The Parser interactive fiction game is a story telling game without any graphics and is an adventure.


  1. Name an example of a parser game.

An example of a parser game is Zork I.


  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

An example of a choose your own path game is Sugarcane Island.


  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

She stated that Interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s because of the competitions they were up against such as, annual IF comp.


  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Poetry is an important element because it engages the players with fill in the blank that gives a powerful description. Example “Those we love alive”


  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

She stated ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary because it is to be filled by the player’s imagination. It is used intentionally for the player to wonder and to leave things open so the players can draw their own conclusions.


  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity is important because it lets the players interact with the story. It gives the players choices and makes them feel like they can do anything but they can’t. All the choices are open-ended.

Hobby Algorithm

How to take shop online

Step 1: Get your computer, tablet, phone, or any device that allows internet access.

Step 2: If the device requires a password open it.

Step 3: Find the search engine icon. For example, Safari, Google, Firefox, etc.

Step 4: Go to the search bar and type in your favorite place to shop at.

Step 5: When you are there start placing the items you like into your cart by selecting your size and then clicking place into cart.

Step 6: When you are stratified with your shopping cart, go to the cart picture which is usually located on the upper right corner and click check out.

Step 7: Fill out your shipping information and then click next.

Step 8: Then it will ask you to fill out your billing address and information.

Step 9: Click next and then view and confirm your order.

Step 10: Lastly, place your order and wait for it to arrive.

Albano worksheet response

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

Parser interactive fiction game is an adventure game without graphics and is a story telling game. Choose your path interactive fiction game is a game book where they give you different choices that you can pick. This is also more suitable for kids.

  1. Name an example of a parser game.

An example of parser game is Zork I.

  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

An example of choose your own path is Sugarcane Island.

  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

Interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s because of competitions like the annual IF Comp which resulted in artistic innovation.

  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing because in the games words are all that is used and the right words have strong meanings. The example she uses is from “with those we love alive.”

  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary because there is not enough space in a game for all of the details like texts and graphics and that is when the player fills it in with their imagination.

  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity is important because in an interactive fiction game the goal is to have the player interact with the story.

Albano Video Assignment

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

The differences between the two types of interactive fiction games are their paths to the gameplay and storyline progression. The choose your path interactive based games provides choices for the player to choose by showing various options and based on the selection, the actions of the character will differ and also possibly causing a unique ending based on the selections the user has selected.

The parser interactive fiction game on the other hand uses the input of the user to progress throughout the game by typing ‘commands’ and doesn’t traditionally offer change of storylines and character options but simply just the option to make simple commands such as ‘open door’ as opposed to choose your adventure options such as ‘Kill Trevor’, ‘Kill Michael’ which would result in a different ending story.

  1. Name an example of a parser game.

One example of a parser game is Void Quest which uses the Unity game engine and can be found at the following URL.

  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

One example of choose your own path game is 80 Days that is available to iOS users. The game centers around being an assistance of English gambler.

  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

The interactive fiction virtually died out due to Activision acquiring Infocom and many contributions for its death. One of the reasons was not using the in-house packaging plant which wouldn’t have doubled the cost from 45 cents to 90 cents. Another reason for their failure was to the demand of production of 8 game titles as opposed to the four games they were used to.

  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Heather Albano considers poetry to be an important element due to the importance of text that is relied on for the interactive fiction based games. She believes words can create the atmosphere and also increase curiosity in terms of questioning the text such as the “Ropes span between buildings like enormous spiderwebs blanketing the city” that can be found in the example she uses from the game “With Those We Love Alive’ by Porpentine”.

  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Heather believes ambiguity is unavoidable because of the limited amount of graphics and text the interactive fiction games provide resulting in the developers omitting certain things from the game and leaving the imagination of the player to take over.

  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity is important as it provides players to be accountable and in charge of the player’s action and allowing changing of the character’s actions based on the player.

Hobby Algorithm – How to Play a Trombone

Hobby Algorithm – How to Play a Trombone
1) Find and visit a music store, whether online or offline, that sells trombones, trombone mouthpieces, music stands, tuners, metronomes, and trombone sheet music of your preference.
2) Purchase a trombone, a trombone mouthpiece, a music stand, a tuner, a metronome, and trombone sheet music of your preference at a music store that offers these items.
3) Return home, bring your purchased materials into your house, and find a quiet and spacious place in your house to conduct your rehearsal.
4) Remove the music stand from its case, adjust the stand according to your height, and place the stand in front of you.
5) Place a piece of trombone sheet music on the holder of the music stand.
6) Unlock the latches of the trombone case and open the trombone case.
7) Hold the bell of the trombone in your left hand and hold the slide of the trombone in your right hand.
8) Place the bell into the slide receiver and rotate it until the bell and the slide create a 90° angle. Turn the ring of the slide receiver until it is tight and the bell and slide lock into place.
9) Remove the trombone mouthpiece from its box and place it in the mouthpiece receiver. Turn the mouthpiece until it is tight and locked.
10) Turn the tuner on and set the frequency to 440 Hz.
11) Place your left thumb on the lowest brace of the bell, your left index finger on the mouthpiece receiver, and the rest of your left hand on the bell of the trombone.
12) With your right hand, hold the second brace of the slide with your middle finger, index finger, and thumb.
13) Bring the mouthpiece to your mouth and place the bell of the trombone on your left shoulder. Make sure to stand straight and hold the trombone in front of you.
14) Take a deep breath and make a buzzing noise with your lips to produce a B flat out of the trombone. Look at the tuner as you play the note. If the tuner says that the pitch of the note is flat, push the tuning slide at the top of the bell in slightly. If the tuner says that the pitch of the note is sharp, pull the tuning slide out slightly. Keep adjusting the pitch of the note until the needle of the tuner is in the middle.
15) Set the metronome to the tempo that is written on the sheet music.
16) Play the song that is written on the sheet music by reading the page from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner.

Albano Video Assignment

Worksheet for GDV talk by Heather Albano
1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.
Even though parser games and “choose your path” games fall under the interactive fiction game genre and allow players to play these games according to their actions, they have distinct differences in terms of their gameplay.
A parser interactive fiction game is a game in which its story is told through a series of textual accounts and developed through the choices of the player. When a chunk of text is given to the player, the player can respond to the text by typing in anything that relates to the current situation. If the response is valid, another series of text will appear that shows the result of the player’s action. This routine will continue until the player reaches the end of the game.
A “choose your path” interactive fiction game has a similar concept to a parser interactive fiction game, but the story of the game is developed through choices that the game offers to the player. After the player is given a textual account, the game will present a certain amount of decisions that the player can make. The player will then see the result of his or her actions and a new set of choices will be made available. The player will go through a series of multiple scenarios, choices, and results in this matter until the player comes to the end of the game.
2. Name an example of a parser game.
An example of a parser interactive fiction game is Planetfall. Planetfall is a game made by Infocom in 1983 that recalls the adventures of a low-rank patrol soldier through space.
3. Name an example of a choose your own path game.
An example of a “choose your path” interactive fiction game is any game from the Ace Attorney series. The Ace Attorney games are courtroom-style games that are owned by Capcom in which the player controls an attorney named Phoenix Wright through dramatic, comical, and creative court cases.
4. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?
With the acquisition of Infocom by Activision, the production levels of interactive fiction games began to decline in the 1990s. Also, the overwhelming challenge that branching narrative provided for developers and the demanding nature of some interactive fiction games led to the decline of interactive fiction in the 1990s.
5. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?
Games that belong to the interactive fiction genre rely on text to tell their stories, describe their characters, and generate mental images of their environments. For this reason, every word and every phrase needs to be carefully chosen and placed within the structure of the text in order to create a descriptive narrative that makes the game come alive in the mind of the player. According to Heather Albano, poetry in interactive fiction relates to the descriptive quality of the prose. She also explains that the descriptive prose of an interactive fiction game gives the player the ability to investigate the world of the game through text alone. Heather utilizes a few excerpts from a game titled With Those We Love Alive as examples of poetry in interactive fiction. In the excerpts, certain words are highlighted within the text. When a highlighted term is selected, more information is given to the player about that term.
6. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?
Since interactive fiction games majorly rely on text to tell a story, it is impossible for the developers to describe every detail of the game’s atmosphere. For this reason, Heather Albano explains that developers utilize ambiguity to give short descriptions that can provide a sufficient mental image of the game’s world to the player. Aside from inevitable ambiguity, Albano states that ambiguity is imperative in the development of interactive fiction games because it allows players to use their imaginations, create their own stories, draw their own conclusions, and immerse themselves in the world of the game in their own way. In other words, ambiguity provides interactive fiction games with replay value.
7. What’s important about complicity?
When an interactive fiction game possesses complicity, it transfers the responsibility of telling the story of the game to the player. Complicity allows players to take ownership of their gaming experiences and gain the ability to change the story according to their interests.

Albano Video

Worksheet for GDV talk by Heather Albano


  1. In your own words, explain the difference between a parser interactive fiction game and a choose your path interactive fiction game.

A parser interactive fiction game shows a wall of text and players would type in actions such as “Go to place”, “Interact with item” and so on in response to whatever was said in the text. If the typed in action was in the games database, a new wall of text would appear showing the result of this action. Meanwhile a choose your path interactive fiction game shows a wall of text and provides the player with a set of choices that they can respond to the text with. A player would then choose one choice and move on to the next wall of text showing the results of this choice.


  1. Name an example of a parser game.


Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (game, not the movie.)


  1. Name an example of a choose your own path game.

The Zero Escape series.

  1. Why does she say interactive fiction virtually died out in the mid-1990s?

The main seller of these games, Infocom, was bought by Activision which then shut down the division for Interactive fiction gaes.


  1. Why does she say poetry is an important element of interactive fiction writing? What example does she use?

Poetry is an important element of an interactive fiction usually these games consist mostly of words. As such these words need to convey what exactly is going on in the game and let the player have a better mental image of what cannot otherwise be seen. For examples, the speaker uses a game in which certain words are highlighted and clicking on them reveals more information pertaining to whatever the word was.


  1. Why does she say that ambiguity is not only unavoidable but also necessary?

Ambiguity is unavoidable but necessary as it is impossible to describe every little detail of something but is possible to tell the player just enough about something so that they can picture it and wonder what important it might serve in the grand story.


  1. What’s important about complicity?

Complicity gives the player the feel as if it means something whenever they make a decision. It makes them feel like their every choice will effect the plot in some way.

Hobby Algorithm

Hobby Algorithm To Reading Manga.


Step 1) Gathering manga books from series you wish to continue or start into a single pile.

Step 2) If starting for the first time, skip to step 5).

Step 3) If continuing series, look over recent volumes to review what happened in the story recently.

Step 4) Once you’ve recalled all needed plot information, pick up newest volume.

Step 5) Turn cover page of the manga to initiate start of manga.

Step 6) Turn page until first page of volume appears.

Step 7) Read all panels on page.

Step 8) Turn attention to the next page on left side of the book.

Step 9) Read all panels on page.

Step 10) Turn page and repeat steps 7) – 9) until comedic, emotional or scary panel appears.

Step 11) If comedic panel appears, take moment to laugh and then continue steps 7) – 9)

Step 12) If emotional panel appears, take moment to shed tears and then continue steps 7) – 9)

Step 13) If scary panel appears, take moment to jump out of seat and then continue steps 7) – 9)

Step 14) If back cover of manga is turned, closing the book, let out satisfied sigh and then set book down with other volumes.

Step 15) If further unread volumes are in ownership and there is time, proceed onto next volume, repeating steps 1) – 14)

Step 16) If no unread volumes are in ownership, go out to bookstore and purchase next volume with available currency, skipping to step 19)

Step 17) If wallet contains no currency to purchase manga, return home and wait for needed funds to come in before returning to step 16)

Step 18) If no further volumes exist, return home and wait upwards of a month for the next volume that will likely take fifteen minutes to read before returning to step 16)

Step 19) Once back home with new volume, repeat steps 1) – 14)

Step 20) Repeat all steps until series ends or gets canceled.

Assignments List

This is where to find the weekly assignments.

Due Thursday, September 7:

Follow the links to get the assignment (1 and 2) and find the program (3).

  1. Hobby Algorithm
  2. Albano video
  3. Download Python 3.6

Due Thursday, September 14:

Also, be sure to Post the Albano video and Hobby algorithm assignments as Posts instead of Comments.

Hobby Algorithm

Pick a hobby that you enjoy and would like others to know about. Come up with a step by step set of instructions that is understandable and easy to follow.

Hobbies That Are Banned:

  • Preparing, Cooking, Baking and/or Eating
  • Daily Activities ( Ex. Waking Up, Getting Dress, Brushing Teeth…)
  • A hobby that already has a set of rules (Sports w/o House rules)