Hobby – Akash

Hobby Algorithm – Fishing
STEP 1: First you have to go shopping if you don’t own a fishing pole, keep it simple; all you need is a cane, fiberglass or graphite pole, available at a bait shop or discount store. Also buy a small spool of monofilament fishing line, a couple of plastic bobbers, some split shot sinkers and some hooks. A small tackle box with divided trays and a carrying handle keeps it all organized.
STEP 2: Bait. You can buy minnows, night crawlers, red worms and crickets at a bait shop. Other baits work, too. Saltwater fish love shrimp, dead or alive. Trout will bite kernel corn and cheese. Catfish will eat pieces of Ivory soap! Carry your bait in a small plastic bucket.
STEP 3: Cut off a length of line about a foot longer than the length of your pole. Wrap an end around the tip of your pole and tie it tightly.
STEP 4: Match a hook to your bait. Tie the hook to the opposite end of the line using a knot that won’t slip. Bad knots lose good fish.
STEP 5: You’re ready for the fishing hole. If you live near the coast, you can catch all kinds of saltwater fish around piers and large rocks close to shore. If you live inland, a pond is your best bet; most ponds are loaded with bluegills and bass.
STEP 6: Try bobber-fishing. After baiting your hook, attach the bobber above your line, simply extend the pole out over the water and lower it. Keep the pole horizontal to the water and hold it steady.
STEP 7: Wait for the fish to bite. Fishing takes patience! It’s common for fish to take several minutes to find your baited hook. Watch your bobber. If it jumps or shakes, a fish is nibbling your bait!
STEP 8: When the bobber goes completely under the surface, set the hook by raising the pole quickly. Then point your pole straight up in the air, so the fish swings to you.
STEP 9: Handle with care! Most fish you’ll catch from shore don’t have sharp teeth, but many have spiny fins. Grasp the fish gently but firmly behind the head as shown. Use needle-nose pliers to remove the hook.
STEP 10: Take a photo of your catch.

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