Category: Announcements (Page 4 of 5)

Midterm exam grades posted!

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have posted your midterm exam grades, your midsemester status grades (P/BL/U), grades for all of your homework assignments (each one graded out of 4) and your grade for Quiz #1 (out of 40) in the “GradeBook” linked at the bottom right corner of this page.   The midsemester grade (P/BL/U) reflects your what your grade would likely be if the semester were to end today, based on your performance so far: P means “likely to pass”; BL means “borderline”; and U means “unlikely to pass.”  Keep in mind that in law courses, 75 is passing.  There’s still plenty of time to improve!  (Or to decrease, but I don’t expect you’ll do that.)  We’ll discuss that more on Monday.

In case you’d like to get a head start on extra credit for the final exam, I’ve posted a few new articles under the “Articles” tab.  Of course, you’re welcome to post on legal news articles you find on your own.  Please always be sure to follow the instructions for the assignment (under the “Assignments” tab) so you can earn maximum credit!

The assignment for our next class (Mon. March 18) is also posted under “Assignments.”  Enjoy the weekend, happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Prof. C.


Don’t forget next Tuesday is the trip.. You need to have yourself here by 8am.

Next Tuesday is the trip.
Remember be here before 8am.
Bring an extra journal or. SS notebook if you plan to use the opportunity for court observations. Also, as silly as it sounds, if you have classes, especially with pending midterms, you should clear it with those professors and see if there’s anything they need you to cover.
This trip will be a bust if your grades suffer for it.

Midterm exam study suggestions!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Just in time for our midterm exam (this Wed. March 13), our fabulous department tutor, Charlotte Winczer, is now available in the Atrium Learning Center (Atrium ground floor) Tuesdays and Wednesdays 2:30-5:30pm!

I have posted some study suggestions for the midterm exam under “Course Materials.”  They are only suggestions!  You should not limit your studying to them.  I have also posted your assignment for next Monday, March 18, under “Assignments.”


Prof. C.

Assignment for Monday March 4

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope you’re enjoying the weekend!  There seem to be some technical difficulties with our “Assignments” tab.  (Thanks, Vishal, for the heads-up!)  I’m contacting OpenLab staff but in the meantime, here are the assignments for next class, Monday, March 4:

Assignments for next class (Mon. March 4): Review C&W ch. 3, and on p. 38, answer “Did You Get It?” questions #1-6 in complete sentences, typed, due on paper at the start of Monday’s class!  Also, bring your CPLR, always, from now on.

Please note that Wednesday, March 6, I’ll hold office hours 10-11:15am, not 1-2:30pm as usual.  Also, I’ve posted an article on NY’s new “Revenge Porn Law” that you might want to address for extra credit.


Prof. C.



Quiz key and today’s notes are posted!

Hello!  I have posted the answer key to the quiz under “Course Materials” and today’s notes under . . . you guessed it . . . “Class Notes”!  Also, the assignment for Monday is posted under . . .  you guessed it again . . . “Assignments”!  Quiz grades (which you received today) will be posted before Monday’s class.

Enjoy the rest of the week and weekend!

Prof. C.

VOTE on Tuesday! & other info posted

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope you have enjoyed the weekend!  Don’t forget, tomorrow we’ll start class with a quiz on everything we’ve covered so far.  Bring your court charts and maps, a writing instrument, and your CPLR (which we’ll use after the quiz).  I have posted the Court Observation and Report assignment that we’ll also discuss after the quiz, it’s under “Assignments” if you want a preview.

In case you are not aware (which I wasn’t), this coming TUESDAY, Feb. 26 there is a “special election” in NYC for the Public Advocate!  If you live in NYC and are registered to vote, you can and should vote!!  I have posted information about the election under “Events & Opp’s,” which tells you what a Public Advocate is (very important job), where and when you can vote (your usual polling place), and who are the different candidates (including who the NY Times thinks you should vote for, but there are a lot of qualified candidates).  Please check it out!

I have also posted a couple of new articles under “Articles” including the actual complaint filed in federal court by NY and other states against Donald Trump to stop him from building a border wall.  Check those out too!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend, see you tomorrow!

Prof. C.

Next Thurs. Special Guest Speaker, President of the NY Paralegal Association

Ok.. You know next Thursday the mock trial will be looking at mock opening arguments for our first criminal case

You also know the trip on Tuesday 3/19 is getting filled up really fast

But did you know that Next Thursday the group will be hosting its first guest speaker. The president of the NY Paralegal Association. Come on,.you plan on making this a career right.. Get your butt down here then.

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