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Who I Am

Hello, my name is Sandra.

I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I would really love to be part of the District Attorney’s office in Brooklyn one day. I think getting justice for someone doing a wrong to you is a great satisfaction. I also believe that law, if you know it right, can benefit you. I also realized that I like to talk to people and find out everything about a specific moment, the who, what, where, why, and I am very good at filing documents, that I even do it at my home. Something I want to learn from this course is how does a paralegal start the process of filing paperwork and what each form is for.

A little bit about myself is that I have not been in a classroom since 2013, when I finished my Associates in Business Administration. I am ambitious, I always want more. I am soon to be married with my fiancee by May, we have two little girls who we adore! I quit my full-time job to pursue my long time goals, I am juggling my family, my home, my school work, and my part time job to have a more promising career.

Who Am I?

My name is Ana and I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I’ve always been intrigued by history and how the government system works. I feel like the law is seen as such a corrupt and unfair system here in the United States but thats probably because there are rules and procedures that have to be followed and thats something that many people fail to comprehend. I don’t really know much of this subject because I just transferred from Nursing into Law and Paralegal and I know that these two majors are completely different and may not have much in common but I do have a high interest for both of these areas of study. Something that I wanted to do in this course and I actually already found out that we will be doing, is visiting a court. I have been to criminal and family courts but I’ve never really payed much attention because I didn’t really know what to pay attention to but now this is something that I am very much looking forward to. I am a freshman in college and this is my second semester. I live in the Bronx Ā with my mom, my two brothers and my two dogs. I consider my two dogs as my kids. One of them is a miniature poodle, his name is Andy and he will be turning 8 years old on April 15. My other dog is a mixed Dalmatian, he is still a baby, he will be 6 months old by February 05 and his name is Leo. Andy was given to us by my uncle who moved and couldn’t take him to his new place anymore and Leo was picked up by me from Mexico earlier in December of last year.

who am I assignment

My name is Keron Waldron, transferred from computer engineering. Intend to go to Law school after this, currently I’m a waiter and bartender. This class so far has strike me as intriguing, so my expectations are really high on what I expect and I’m really boring once you get to know me.

Who Am I ?

Hi , my name is Rashawna but i always rather to be called Destinyy .I major in Law and Paralegal Studies because as future goal i would love to become a Corporate Lawyer. Something i want to learn or do in this course is learn about the different types of lawyers and their specific roles , and somethings i would like the class to know about me as a person is as a side job i am a hairstylist, i enjoy doing hair and seeing a satisfied customer. I am a very independent person and that comes from being raised by a single mother along with 7 siblings. I am a very friendly person but at the end of the day my focus is my goals in life and i strive to complete the steps to achieve my goals.

Who I Am !


My name is Andrea Rosario, this is my first semester in college. This is my first time ever in City Tech, looking for a great experience in this college. I am majoring in Law and Paralegal Studies because I love the Laws & Rules. I wanted to always be a lawyer and be able to start somewhere and expand my knowledge. I love the experience of being able to learn about the Laws and the Rules and be able to know what your talking about. I always wanted to know the court system and how everything else works. To my own opinion it is very exciting.

Something I would love to learn through out this course would be some civil case. Also wanted to learn different things you can do when it comes to dismissing a civil case. I also want to learn what does civil cases consist of. I want to just learn and know all the variety of things in the Law system.

Somethings about myself are, I love to go shopping, I work and go to school as well. I also love to enjoy my time doing things I love to do. I am shy at first but after a while I am out spoken. I am a friendly person and like meeting new people in the world. I also like to expolore the world and always do new things. I am also a very outgoing person. Looking forward to this semester.

Civil Law and Procedure, 1103- HW Assignment #1-Marlo Cordo

Marlo Cordo
Civil Law and Procedure 1103
Professor Kerin E. Coughlin
ā€œWho you areā€- HW Assignment #1


Who are you?

My name is Marlo Cordo I have pursued my career in law and paralegal studies and looking to get an Associates Degree. Since a child IĀ  was always interested in research and finding out facts. I am very excited to work for a major law firm here in New York City the greatest city ever. I have chosen to take paralegal studies as my major because, law and facts always interested me. I am the type of person that likes to get down to the truth about matters.


Secondly, I would like to learn how to be the best paralegal for my attorney and preparing him or her to go to trial. It is very important to be trained in this type of work since you are dealing with peopleā€™s lives.Ā Also,Ā I’mĀ looking forward to learning how the law applies to defending the client and setting up the evidence that will hold weight in winning the case. I am here to be the best assistant for my supervising attorney and firm.


Also, I would like to share a few things about myself not related to paralegal studies. I love the outdoors and enjoy exploring new places. I have enjoyed sightseeing around my own city right here in New York City the greatest city on the planet. I am a true nativeĀ New Yorker and very proud to live here. The world is changing and neighborhoods are being rebuilt and we are growing with the times. I want to be more part of my community and learn about people and culture. I like photography and eating healthy. Iā€™m looking forward to this class and expanding my horizons.


Who I am.. Abigail Thomas (the ultra heavily abridged version)


Iā€™m Abigail Thomas.Ā 

From my earliest childhood I have had strong interests in systems and rules and well figuring things out. I love a good challenge. The sciences, philosophy, the human mind, and law.. Particularly in respects to advocacy and justice, both social and political all interest me.. Now to digress only a wee bit.. I did attempt college before I my early 20s only to fall miserably on my face for a myriad of reasons. Fast forward from 91 to 2018. I have reasonably working hearing aids, the student loans I originally had have been discharged, and within a week I went from admitting as a transfer student to literally sitting in classes. Much of it my own research and footwork. I still canā€™t believe I didnā€™t flunk at least one class last semester. .

Why I am majoring in law and paralegal studies is to continue on to law school and ultimately become a barred attorney. On a deeper level, it has as much to do with what I had to go through to get here (which would require way more space, as well as a sleuth of content/trigger warnings) as it did my love of rules, structure, order, systems, justice, and advocacy.

One of the things I wouldnā€™t mind learning is how civil litigation applies to certain criminal elements like sexual assault. Aside from that there is already a lot coming upĀ  in this courseĀ  that I can’t wait to sink my teeth into. I really just want to jump into the theory and application of law headfirst. So much material and so little time

So, you know that point when you tire of communicating the things ā€œyou want others to know because you think they want to know it ā€ and go right for the ” ok this is my warning labelā€. Thatā€™s sort of where Iā€™m at. So Iā€™m transgender and also lesbian. So thatā€™s the least significant facts. Then what else you should know? Iā€™ve been hard of hearing practically my whole life, but didn’t have hearing aids until I was 37, and didn’t have decent ones until about four years ago. I was medicated for epilepsy from 2 to 14. I spent the majority of my early school years in special education and not in a good way at all. I may not always be perceived as the strongest, smartest, fastest, nor most attractive, but I am the most endearing and enduring. No doubt I will fail, but because of those failures I also succeed.

I happen to be the secretary of NYCCT Pride club (as in LGBTQIA+ pride) for which I am writing itā€™s current constitution and thereā€™s a page for it here on OpenLab as well. I like biking, walking, swimming , I like writing when I get into the mood. I must be alien because Iā€™m not a big fan of coffee. But Pio Bagel on Willoughby and Lawrence makes excellent fresh juices. IĀ  guess ill just end this here.


who am i

1.the reason i did this major is because i want to go to law school and become an attorney. i also plan on changing my major later on.

2. i want to learn motion to dismiss and civil ligation. i want to learn about civil cases and civil courts.

3.i like the nba and video games. i like the cold and snow.

Who I am

My name is Latasha-Nicole, and Iā€™m majoring in law and paralegal studies because I had a deep interest in it, since high school. I would go to to the library and randomly pick out books on law, Ā before I knew it was something I wanted to do. Now Iā€™m here, getting my bachelors to become a paralegal. I look mean, but Iā€™m the sweetest person you will ever meet. Iā€™m a Starbucks addict since 2013, and I like doing thing people are afraid to do, like bungee jumping, skydiving, etc.. In this course, I want to learn all information necessary for a productive career as a paralegal.

“Who You Are”-Stephanie Houston


My name is Stephanie Houston.Ā  I live Brooklyn, NY.Ā Ā  I am presently in ITEC Department with Lissette.Ā  She is helping me with creating a post.Ā  The reason I am taking the Paralegal Courses because I wanted learn. Ā I spent many years reading the Chief newspaper. The Chief is a Civil Service paper that list jobs for City and State, Federal Government job.Ā  They posted a job for Legal Trainee 1 GS-11. Ā I wanted to see if the job is the same.

I love to travel.Ā  I have taken trips to Africa, England, Spain, France, Italy.Ā Ā  I love the Broadway shows.




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