Court Observation -Sandra

On Friday, March 22, I went to New York Supreme Court of Kings County. I got there around 9:30 am and told the guard at the information desk who I was and what I was looking for. She told me to go to room 285, which handled Guardianship. Again, I told the man in there who I was and what I was looking for. He was kind enough to make some phone calls and found a case about a contract gone wrong. He told me where to go and I thanked him. I met with Ana and we both headed up to see this observation. From my understanding, this was a contract over a construction job that was not completed. There were a lot of specific details given, especially from the defendant’s attorney, and the contract was being read over and over again and questioned by both sides. Overall, it was very interesting, this was the first time I was in a court room with jurors and the whole scene, like on Law and Order. The plaintiff was all for us watching the case and he even told us that he hoped they gave us “a good show.” I asked questions and introduced myself every time I went up to someone to ask them their name. Don’t be afraid to do that. They were all nice, except one guard on the floor who was very serious and barely responded to us. We were there until about 12:35, when the judge ended it for the day and gave the next date. We were very hungry! So I suggest you eat a heavy breakfast if you are going to go in the morning but other than that I enjoyed it.

1 Comment

  1. Kerin E. Coughlin

    Sandra, thanks for this excellent post and preview of your full report. We look forward to getting the details about the matter! I expect you saw that real life is not like “Law & Order” in a lot of ways. Thanks also for the great nutritional advice!
    Prof. C.

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