TONIGHT! Student Action Meeting Thurs. 5pm

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Do you want to FIGHT for students’ rights like lower tuition and other important causes?  Then attend the NYPIRG/SGA Student Action Meeting TONIGHT (Thurs. Feb. 7) at 5pm in room N119.   See the flyer below.   You should also sign up for NYPIRG’s trip to Albany, NY next Thursday, February 12th to tell legislators who represent YOU how they should vote on issues that matter, and fight for change!  Deadline to sign up is TODAY, use this link.   Make sure to fill out the bus waiver!

If you can’t attend these events but want to know more about political activism with NYPIRG, let me know.


Prof. C.

NYPIRG Student Action Meeting and Lobbyist Training Feb. 7, 2019, 5pm in N119



1 Comment

  1. Abigail Thomas

    I’m actually here.

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