Inspiration Post: Gregory Heisler

In this photo taken by Gregory Heisler the lighting and the expression goes hand to hand. The way the shadows appear below his eyes really gives a darker and evil look to the subject. The prop is also a nice touch as the subject holds what seems to be happier times and comparing it to who he is now. The expression compliments the subjects evil aspect as the subject is looking straight at the camera with evil intent. Also the fact that the photographer didn’t place the subject in the center of the frame was a nice touch too giving it a unique look by showing alot of darkness next to the subject almost as if he is being engulfed into the darkness. 

One thought on “Inspiration Post: Gregory Heisler

  1. rmichals

    Certainly, this man who I cannot identify looms out of the background. The high placement of the light does make his eye sockets look dark. Generally, this is something you want to avoid. Heisler uses it here to creative effect.


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