Inspiration: Annie Lebowitz and Awol Erizku

In this assignment, we had to compare and contrast Demi Moore by Annie Lebowitz 1991 and Beyonce by Awol Erizku 2017 photographs. Before analyzing and distinguish both works, I wanted to know more about the photographers and their style of work. While researching them, it was interesting to see how they applied their technique to the pregnant celebrities photographs. Each of the photographs has a different unique style. Annie Leibovitz and Awol Erizku have different styles of lighting. However, they both portray pregnant celebrities looking beautiful. Annie Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer one of her well known and discussed portraits was of Demi Moore pregnancy. The famous photograph was taken in 1991, during this time this image was controversial and many people didn’t react well.  There are two lighting being used. Annie Annie Leibovitz uses a dark background, and the light is placed one to the right side, the other on the left top.  The lighting makes Demi Moore stand out and have a strong confident.

Awol Erizku has a different style in portraying pregnancy. As you can see in Awol Erizku’s Beyonce’s pregnancy portrait, one can guess he’s using natural lighting. In my opinion, the background is stronger. It overshadows Beyonce’s pregnancy.  Beyonce sitting doesn’t make her a strong and confident like Demi Moore. Overall, Erizku uses color to make Beyonce look like a caring mother.

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