Chelsea galleries

As a class we took a trip to see different photography galleries specifically in the chelsea area. These were all very interesting to look at, especially at the fact that they were all selling for at a very high price point.

The first stop was at Apperture Foundation: Prison Nation.  This gallery explores inmates and incarceration in the United states. The selection of photos shows the different sides to life  behind bars.  As we start our tour with this fine lady which was an intern for Apperture Foundation, I have noticed that most of the prisoner that were presented was not the expression that i had expected. I thought they were going to look sour, upset and perhaps even suicidal but instead they were posing happily in front of the photographer; throwing up the peace sign, having a big smirk and laughing.  What i found amusing is that one of the photographer was also correction officer at the time.  Photography was one of his main hobby i would say.  We then the came upon portraits of inmates that were either going in there for life or may have a death penalty.  These portraits had a black background and what i have noticed is that these set of photography looks drastically different from the photos that we saw earlier.  The models were more serious and they seem like they have a lot of thoughts going through in there head.  The pictures was taken inside of a bleacher, that was how the black background come to be about.  They were all dressed in costumes for a play that they had to do.  It doesn’t seem like they wanted to do the play or even be there at all.  These feelings were greatly expressed greatly through their faces.  When i walked in to these set of photos i didn’t really enjoy it that much until i heard the story behind it.  it immediately changed my perception of viewing these photography.

The second stop was a gallery called Leaning out.  This was one of my favorite gallery through the whole trip mainly because the pictures was at a birds eye view of the cities  of New York and Los Angeles.  At first i thought it was taken from a drone and i was surprise of how the picture quality came out.  These photos were huge and most of them were even taller than me.  I spoke to the receptionist and later found out that the photos were taken from a helicopter which  explains the high definition in them.  Through this gallery i cant help but imagine how it would be like to take these photos especially from so high up in the air.  With the propeller spinning and the wind all up in your face it must takes some great skills to keep steady. I would like to be in his place one day because i love heights!!!

The final stop, Yossi Milo Gallery.  This gallery focused on photos of churches.  This was a interesting gallery because according to the tour guide these pictures were made up of thousands of close up images of the same church.   The photographer would take pictures of every angle of the church day in and day out. He would then mesh all the good pictures in to one glorifying beautiful top to bottom photo of the church.  It was super interesting to look at because no matter where your eyes moved its like you’re look at that portion of the building directly.  This take massive amount of skills to execute. kudos to the artist!!!

One thought on “Chelsea galleries

  1. rmichals

    As you state about the Prison Nation exhibit, the more one knows about a particular body of work the more interesting it becomes. the Markus Brunetti exhibit at Yossi Milo called Facades illustrates this as well. The photos are not that interesting until one understands the process and then they are fascinating.


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