Dawoud Bey

After looking at Dawoud Bey’s work I start to realize that when shooting on location the backgound seems to be dark and cluttered in a way. This technique really helps bring out the subject more. He sets the light at certain angles which goes off to the side of the models poses and also in a angle of a triangle when shooting straight into the subjects eyes. Some of the models show different kinds of gestures which gives the photos a mood and meaning. Some gestures show innocence, vulnerability, anger, and calmness which gives life to his amazing work.

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About Justin Jackson

I have always been inspired by art from when I was a little kid to now. It really catches my attention. I seen art in many types of forms: cooking, music, graffiti, dancing, painting, and etc. There are unlimited possibilities of how art is expressed. It even sets a mood in motion for people to understand one another. That is why I want to be an artist. An artist’s salary is around $44,000 a year which is not bad since it is a field you would love to pursue in. You get to work in big open spaces like warehouses, studios in office buildings, and lofts. Most of the time artists work part-time which is kind of convenient for me because I have a job that is not related to this field but it could work well with my schedule.

One thought on “Dawoud Bey

  1. rmichals

    Shooting on location can be really tough as there is so much you cannot control. However, Bey is lighting the scene to bring out his subject. This is under his control. The background is not lit and with shallow depth of field is not in focus. This helps keep our attention on these students.


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