Shaving Ad Comparison

Before the photographer, Tim Tadder, took the picture of the athlete he manipulated the lighting to set to mood for the audience. The use of short lighting along with the athlete’s expression creates is a very manly and aggressive atmosphere. The lighting also allows helps Gillette get the message across  to their audience by emphasizing the smoothness of his skin by using this lighting setup. The overall message I get is using Gillette’s razors can give you a close shave while still keeping a masculine appearance.

The Schick advertisement on the other hand is aimed  towards the more casual audience with a humorous message. Troy Goodall wanted to capture the image of an average man and used broad lighting to create a photo that resembles more of a profile picture. Thanks to the use of of the lighting, the details of the hair on their models face is able to standout more and become the focus of the ad. The message I get from it is, people with beards are seen are seen as having an animal on their face and their product will be able to “free their skin.”

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