
In “She being Brand” by E.E. Cummings is a very distinct poem. It describes a sexual output where the writing seems to be explaining a first ride in a car, but it actually means a females first sexual encounter. The writer describes in the essay that “we turned the corner of Divinity avenue” which is a great example of a car driving at a specific corner. But this can also mean a Divinity of a climax. This poem is a very interesting one.

While in “Coming Home Detroit” by Philip Levine is a totally different explanation of a car driving through the rough city of Detroit. At that time it was full of riots and chaos. This city is known for building many cars from Cadillacs to Chevys. At that time the city was burning down. When the writing describes “the twisted river stopped at the color of iron” this describes both a building polluting car and a destroyed city.

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