Dance Photography Comparison

Both Greenfield’s and Silver’s advertisement did a great job of capturing their companies’ brands with the use of ballet dancers. They understood that their dancer’s pose could express a wide range of emotions and ideas depending on how they were positioned. This is why taking the photo at eye level was key to both of their success. Capturing the right kind of diffused shadows was also important to make sure that it wasn’t too distracting for the viewer.

Although advertisement for Raymond Weil and Pantone both decided to use dancers as subjects for their ads, they do not necessarily emphasize the same idea. Raymond Weil’s ad uses their dancers to give the advertisement an elegant atmosphere, and their sharp poses is a metaphor for precision of the watches’ mechanical hands. The black and white tone and its use of a high key also helps promote another feature of the watch, which would be its classical and bold appearance.

On the other hand, Pantone’s use of their dancers convey a completely different message. Instead of using dancers to promote mechanical features, it is used in harmony with the lighting to showcase the creativity, fluidity, and energy of the company. The dancers aren’t stuck in poses that are straight or rigid, and in fact their poses are more curved and artistic which helps get the message of their brand across. The use of full scale colors and contrast does exactly what the color company wanted to promote, it’s understanding and wide selection of colors.


One thought on “Dance Photography Comparison

  1. rmichals

    You do a good job of summarizing the differences between the ads as more or less precision vs creativity.

    Be careful with the term high key. Generally it means that most or almost all of the tones in the image are brighter than the midtone.


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