Hello Class!
Besides your brain, your sketchbook is the most powerful illustration tool you have! It is your visual diary. It’s where your comics stories will start. It is the place where you collect your visual observations and thoughts, as well as practice the foundational skill that underpins the art form of illustration, DRAWING.
Remember, this sketchbook is yours! Draw as many pages as you want in it per week. The more you do, the better you’ll get at using your hands, your eyes, and most of all, your mind.

Some weeks you’ll get a sketchbook prompt. But most of the time there will be no prompt and the choice of what to draw will be entirely up to you. OBSERVE the world around you. Draw what you see. Don’t overthink this.
Post your sketches each week, right here.
Be sure you:
- Ensure your sketches face the right way up
- You photos are clear and easy to read.
- Categorize your post sketchbook
- Write a few lines about what you drew
- Title your post “Week One Sketchbook, Week Two Sketchbook”, etc.
- Post your sketches before the start of class!
Helpful hint:
Before you start, you should read the article which begins this weeks’ DISCUSSION Topic!
5 Steps to Starting a Sketchbook Habit—Whether or Not You “Can” Draw
-By Loney Abrams
Happy Drawing!
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